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Growing Hair Fast


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This is about the 19th time I have attempted to grow my hair long. I go without a cut for a while, but it gets to a point where it is way too tumultuous, and I can't stand it, and I cut it off. I have thick, curly hair. Does anyone have any ideas on how to speed-up the growing process to decrease the mid-term agony.

By the way, I just got home and am watching Clockwork Orange... brilliant..

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I was once told that the secret is to not cut it. ;) (I'm serious actually.)

I was also told that it really helps to wash it less and condition it more. Daily washing is hell on hair. It doesn't matter so much if you've got short hair but if you want healthy long hair you've got to drop that practice quick. You also need to reconsider anything that you put in your hair. Chemicals such as hair gels, hairsprays, dye, et cetera will dry out your hair and lead to plenty of dead, split ends.

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if you live in toronto or hamilton i'd suggest washing your hair at least semi regularly.

i went about a week with just rinsing...a practice that tended to work out for me when i was spending a lot of time in toronto...the shampoo felt like conditioner...didn't lather and it turned gray.

gross...you've got to rinse your hair in the morning and night - use conditioner as often as possible. get the cheap dollar a bottle stuff. it actually loosens dirt fairly well. wash at least once a week...i'd say every 3 days...try to use cold water for rinsing your hair...the oils won't soften and all the crap'll fall out of your hair.

i don't know what to say...i'm no expert but that's my hair dilemma too. it's getting annoying for me but i haven't found a short hairstyle that i like and feels/looks good on me. everytime i get a haircut i regret it because i feel like a total dork.

glad i have nice hair (thanks mom and dad)

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