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Electoral Vote Predictions


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how can it be that places like Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Maine are considered "barely Kerry"!?!? Shouldn't he have a more solid lead in these more progressive states?

sorry folks, I fu©king hate to say it but I have this deep MarcO-sense that Bush is gonna get back in, properly this time.

Kerry better blow that man-boy out of the water at tomorrow's debate. How can it possibly be that he is in danger of losing to a completely ineffectual, inexpereinced, unsophisticated loser like Bush? I really don't get it. I mean, even if I were an American Republican, how could I feel well served by this man? I know not all Republican voters are bible-thumping war-mongers. That's far too black and white, just the way Bush sees things.


sorry for the convoluted thoughts but this is nuts.

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