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alcoholics not so anonymous


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so lately i've felt like a bit of a lush, like beyond the fun party type but the sad, pawn my tv for beer type. (not that i did that, my tv is too small to pawn for much beer) so i think i am gonna stop drinking for a while.

in the meantime, who's got my source for edible recreational fungis? :: no more sloppy drunk for me, just a giggly sketch bag all the way!

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I can relate Bokonon. I often wonder if I would be considered an alcoholic by others. One time I was sent to the hospital for a seizure (not alcohol related) and the nurse asked me if I had been drinking that day. I told her yes. She asked me how many I had and I really didn't know (it was a keg party at 40 Main for goodness sake!). Anyway she told me I was an alcoholic and I guess it's bothered me ever since.

Every time I think I may stop drinking, I have a nice glass of wine and forget about it. I personally don't think it's that bad unless you're hurting yourself or others.

Good luck with whatever choice you make.

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sounds like the nurse said that out of spite. What a horrible thing to say to someone who's just had a seizure.

I keep reminding myself of that. Not only had I just had a seizure, but my skull and jaw were fractured from when I hit the pavement. I have never been in worse shape in my life and the witch made that comment. I could have puked my pain meds all over her.

Hey Ollie, shouldn't you be working? ;) :: I hear you're doing fantastic.

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If You Were to Get Drunk, What Kind of Drunk Would You Be? 1058103897_DNiceDrunkReally.JPG You would be too drunk to even realize who you are. You would think it's funny and laugh at almost everything that's said to you or done. Your friends may find it funny and pull a prank on you like maybe place a tattoo that says "loser" on the back of your neck. You're the type of person who's wild and crazy and likes to have, what you call, a good time. Have fun, but be careful though.


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Lethargic Drunk. "HHhhh...I'm sleepy." You might be one of the other drunk types for a while.. but you usually end up falling asleep before the party's over. When you are awake, you tend to be in your own world, observing how funny things look with beer goggles on.

Yup. That's me.

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I can relate Bokonon. I often wonder if I would be considered an alcoholic by others. One time I was sent to the hospital for a seizure (not alcohol related) and the nurse asked me if I had been drinking that day. I told her yes. She asked me how many I had and I really didn't know (it was a keg party at 40 Main for goodness sake!). Anyway she told me I was an alcoholic and I guess it's bothered me ever since.

Every time I think I may stop drinking, I have a nice glass of wine and forget about it. I personally don't think it's that bad unless you're hurting yourself or others.

Good luck with whatever choice you make.

From what I have seen, I think an alcoholic is someone who is DEPENDANT on alcohol... now, I realize the term "dependant" is somewhat ambiguous.. however, I would say an alcoholic is someone that needs to drink, it is a mental/emotional/physical response... An alcoholic is someone that is addicted to alcohol... I would not think you would be considered in that category, but if you really want to know, don't drink for a few days and see how your body, and mind reacts... check for moodiness, excessive shaking, or illness from detoxification. That will answer your question, I don't like it when people use the term Alcoholic loosely, I have seen first hand what "being" an alcoholic entails. You should have told that nurse to fu©k-off!

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