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last night was another amazing performance by The Slip

i'd been going on for days to moose and earlier in the night to del and POG about how much i dig the song mudslide and i was hoping to hear it

well i think about 3 songs in they busted it out big time

it slipped me right into the zone i wanted to be in ::

i locked myself in on the floor in front of Andrew and there i remained for the night

my ears are ringing a bit this morning from being so damn close to the speakers, but at this point it was worth it

Thank you Slip dudes...

2 more awesome nights of music to come

oh yeah...

Country Cowboy you better mozy on over and introduce yourself ya hear?

you bet ms.hux :)

we're gonna be buddies for sure

you lived in my hood (Bexley) if i remember correctly

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i was incredibly tempted to try to do the whole run, although as the decision to go to toronto was fairly last minute i had done no planning or corresponding to make sure everything would be alright - i wasn't about to try to find a ride to hamilton and montreal only to have to find my way back to Peterborough...and it would up turning out well, as the car ride home left me to a very interesting personal space that i wouldn't have found at an afterparty (and if i would have it would've been a very confusing situation indeed)

the thing that tipped me off to not try to do the run was losing $60 (or so) somewhere at the ElMo. totally a bummer.

however, today's wake up was a lot bette than the previous few days...i just woke up and was alert rather than becoming just conscious enough to hit the sleep button for a couple of hours.

hope this turns into a trend.

I saw a bunch of people that I've really missed and appreciate the show that reminded me of a few key feelings.

hope everybody's having the best time on slip mini-tour. as much as i'd like to be there i'm kinda glad i'm not. who knows what else i'd be losing.

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Bexley? I'm not familiar with that.

i thought you worked at J&H riding stable ms.hux?

too bad we never ran into one another at the show or hotel

the thing that tipped me off to not try to do the run was losing $60 (or so) somewhere at the ElMo.

well i lost between $200 and $300 while tripping on Saturday night in Montreal, so $60 isn't too bad!

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I did work for J&H, but what the heck is Bexley?

Bexley Township is where J&H is located...it's the name of the township where i grew up

as far as introducing myself goes...i didn't see you all night

i hung out at the back by the pool table for the show, as i found the bar to be pretty claustrophobic...especially when i was all mushy on fungus

next time ::

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