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2. A closed minded or wilfuly blind person discredits this richness

What did i say about assumptive name calling????

I am really trying not to be insulting or negative as that will just perpetuate. Is there any chance that my intentions are a touch better then you are making out? Is there a chance many of you are reacting to feeling personally insulted and lashing out?

Sorry, i don't see how i could have gotten personally insulted.........

You are a total fu©king idiot! I swear to god you know nothing about music or improvisation whatsoever. There is no comparison in the least between the calibre of musicianship on that stage and sh!t you are throwing around. Please go back under the rock from which you came before I go ballistic. Tool. You seriously are a Monstrously Ignorant human being. I cannot give any energy whatsoever to your total failure as an eardrum.

or maybe it was this......

No you're entitled to your opinion because you have ears and a brain Guigs. This guy is just a nob gobbler

though i do like how you accept someones opinion because i'm assuming he must be one of your 'peers'

I have peers they just don't hang out with a bunch of skidbags in bars

this i like.......

That comes with the proviso (get your out thesaurus people) that do not even try to pretend you know me because you don't and you will likely never have the thoughts, experiences and tribulations I have.

thank goodness for that!!!!!

To be honest many of you I actually pity because I think with communication skills this poor and an apparent inability to sense people's intention I can't imagine you will fair very well in your respective careers.

See irony....

You're dead right

you're lucky this isn't a metallica message board because you would have got your ass kicked a long time ago

7. Someone takes their ball and goes home.

ball is still in play champ.

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What is it we're trying to accomplish here. Look I have been under an incredible amount of stress lately and I am in the home stretch and then I will have some normalcy back. I would apologize but I wouldn't know where to start. Please bear in mind I have not eaten properly, slept properly and have my head crammed full of details. I just am not coping well. It's not an excuse but maybe an explanation.

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what are you some kind of give'r rookie???(this is a joke, one i thought you'd like)

you remind me of the characther in the dead milkmen's 'i walk the thinnest line'

In all seriousness zero, i wasn't out to bash you or pick an internet fight. I just wanted to offer my experience of the show i attended on a thursday night.

I hope one day you find that ray of light. (insert little smilely face here)

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