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Urgent Appeal


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Hi All,

I need to make an urgent request of all of you (and including myself in the mix of course). For the sake of sanity, and normalcy, and because more serious things can happen when you trash someone online....can we please calm down? Things get said and taken out of context, and we're all lacking the emotional context of what we might say to someone face-to-face, but there's been so much hate on here and it really needs to stop.

I'm not making this request lightly, nor am I holding myself in a higher regard than others. I'm making it because people I know and care about are getting hurt, or are hurting themselves. And while not everyone can know a person's situation in reality there are things going on here that are worsening them. Either making them weaker, or pushing them further down the wrong path. I'm not asking you to censor yourself, but I'm asking you to choose your words carefully and take another person's feelings and sensitivities into consideration.

I guess this is me asking us to all think about what we're saying to one another here, realize that things can easily get misinterpreted, and that we're not talking to avatars but to real people. There's a great potential in this online community, I and all of us would hate to lose it I'm sure.



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Hi All,

I need to make an urgent request of all of you (and including myself in the mix of course). For the sake of sanity, and normalcy, and because more serious things can happen when you trash someone online....can we please calm down? Things get said and taken out of context, and we're all lacking the emotional context of what we might say to someone face-to-face, but there's been so much hate on here and it really needs to stop.

I'm not making this request lightly, nor am I holding myself in a higher regard than others. I'm making it because people I know and care about are getting hurt, or are hurting themselves. And while not everyone can know a person's situation in reality there are things going on here that are worsening them. Either making them weaker, or pushing them further down the wrong path. I'm not asking you to censor yourself, but I'm asking you to choose your words carefully and take another person's feelings and sensitivities into consideration.

I guess this is me asking us to all think about what we're saying to one another here, realize that things can easily get misinterpreted, and that we're not talking to avatars but to real people. There's a great potential in this online community, I and all of us would hate to lose it I'm sure.



I agree. While I dislike when things get deleted (censored) yesterday was out of control. I truely believe that much of what was said yesterday was in the heat of the moment and that people may be/are regreting in now.

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I`m with Megs, and I regret nothing I posted, agreed with many of the harsher posts, and would do it again.

Things were great here until a certain somebody basically started treating people like garbage, he got called on it, and rightly so.

For his sanity and ours, I hope he takes a sizeable sabbatical from this place - please.

I`ll call a spade a spade.

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I have no idea what happened yesterday, but I'm ready for a break from a certain person's abuse behaviour. I really don't think mental illness is an excuse for abuse and frankly, the episodes make me uncomfortable. I try to ignore for the most part but sometimes the insults are so horrid that I have to say something. It's too much. From now on I will stay out of any threads containing "The BS that we are talking about".

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I'm not appealing to reason because on every side of things there isn't any. I'm not asking you to censor yourself because this is a public message board. I'm asking you to be compassionate and at least in your own head acknowledge that there are many things which influence what one says on here. We are fine with drunken and stoned posts, angry posts, happy "I just got laid" posts so can we extend that to every other possibility?

If you don't buy any of that, is it fair that we refrain from wishing death on fellow board members?

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I'm still more of a lurker than poster around here (I've got lots of online porn discussion board commitments...you wouldn't believe what people are saying about ass implants on bigbutts.com!), but my scientific explorations into this matter have proven that people who genuinely don't like negativity don't tend to actively pursue it.

Personally, and this is just personally, I would be embarassed to get caught up in an ONLINE tussle where feelings were getting hurt. Hurling big emotions through a computer? Not my thing baby. If somebody calls me on my skinny ass on bigbutts.com, I'll just let it slide and find another portal devoted to butts.


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i posted about this in my russia thread, but i firmly believe each individual is reponsible for choosing how they will react in any situation. if you're going to say mean things, that's fine, but you'd better be able to stand behind them.

people can only take so much sh!t before they fight back. and i agree with superfreak, mental illness is no excuse for viciously attacking other people with an endless barrage personal insults. it may be an explanation (or partial explanation) but it is not an EXCUSE!!!!! i can choose to walk away and yell into my pillow just as i can choose to type "fu©k YOU, YOU STUPID PIECE OF sh!t". my sympathy only goes so far. you can be an ass, time and time and time and time again -- and if you have serious problems, i will reserve judgement and even give you some slack. but eventually that time again is going to be one time too many, and it's going to get to the point where my reaction will be, well fu©k you, i honestly don't give a sh!t, you are an ass. it doesn't mean i have to publicly say that though, i can think it to myself. but if i do choose to say it, then i'm going to stand behind it. if i did say something i might later regret, i will apologize.

ahess, i appreciate that you have started this thread. it shows you have a pretty big heart. and douglas, i agree it is much better to say nice things than not. but it's all about individual choices. and as long as you will back up what you say, then i think you have the right to say it. and like many things, it's all about what you put into it. if you are constantly being mean and calling people names, then expect them to defend themselves and call you some names too. if you are nice to people and choose to walk away rather than insult somebody, then you've made a choice that was good for you & you don't have to worry about taking things back or repairing damage you've done with words.

it's sad that we even need to have threads like this. this isn't kindergarten. we shouldn't have to take people aside and tell them what is and what is not acceptable behaviour. we are adults and part of that is not only the ability to make our own decisions, but understanding and accepting the consequences that can -- and will -- accompany our actions. i'm glad we have people in our community who will step up and ask things like this of everyone though. it's good to keep things positive, and being more understanding of other people is often a lot harder than turning your back on them. so i applaud you for doing so.

having said that though, me, personally, i am fed up. sick and tired. my sympathy and understanding have reached their limits. and i hope this particular sabbatical is an extended one. it's getting harder and harder to simply ignore what is said, and not sink to their level with a response. i'd rather not have to get headaches from reading their garbage any more.

AND, i can say that without even needing to know what was said on the weekend. everything that's led up to it is enough for me.

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Things are weird all over, sensitivity running high, sentive titties getting high. Its a messed up year globally and cosmically, and its times like these where everyones gotta try and be there for each other, or at least try to be. And its where we can all feel great about taking advantage of the wonderful minds and spirits that have come together on this forum and in this community.

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