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New Rheos!!! Smile!!


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Wow, so, i picked up the new rheostatics the other day, 2067, and i gotta say, it is absolutely shockingly good!!! truthfully, i didnt expect much, but holy sh!t, this is a rheostatics album! i mean, this band, these guys, 3 completely different songwriters contributing to this, its almost like each song is each one's solo project with a different backing band.. and thats what i think makes the rheostatics so damn special, its the same backing band able to adapt and do all this different sh!t, and do each others songs justice. respect for one another, maybe? i dunno. im rambling. but every song on this album is distinctly rheostatics in that every dave song is a dave song. every tim is a tim song. and every martin song is very much a martin song. MPW, i think, did a brilliant job with the production on this album. it sounds absolutely wonderful. there are times on this album where you could probably be convinced that they're being guested by the broken social scene, or dennis from grand theft bus on the little synth thing. its out there in an awesome fu©king way. i kind of liken the album to a hybrid between Intoducing Happiness and the Group of 7 album. the eclectic, interesting, and experimental ballsy songwriting of Happiness, but 10 years later, and everything that comes with it being 10 years later (better, only because of growth and whats possible... its like the evolution of introducing happiness, to me), but blended with the intricate instrumentation and almost "jammyness" of the group of 7 album... the drawn out instrumentals that are just beautiful to listen to... and i think topping it off is the maturity and cohesiveness of the sound of the rheostatics at this stage of their game. i think this album was bound to happen eventually.

The Tarleks (tielli), Little Bird Little Bird (bidini), Here Comes The Image (vesely), and The Latest Attempt On Your Life (tielli) are probably my favourites. and im gonna give the crown cheese award to I Dig Music (bidini), but even still, it's kind of a fun song. but absolutely, the hidden gem is the Record Body Count remake. HOLY MOTHERFUCKER! it took me a couple listens before i realized what it was.... think Ween's fu©ked Up Jam, some down tempo styles, some beautiful synth, and melting crystal. god, i love martin tielli!

edit: i gotta add Polar Bears and Trees (dave) and Making Progress (tim) to that list of gems on this album. especially Making Progress... so beautiful, everything about it.

there are so many good things brewing in canada right now, as far as music goes. we have a lot to be proud of up here. as nice as it'd be if people paid more attention to our great canadian music (eclectic in style as it may be), its kinda nice to have our own little thing going on. support our local talent, its world class, the world just doesnt know it yet. i for one feel very proud and grateful to have such great music coming from our part of the world.

so here's to all the great canadians bands and musicians making such amazing music and constantly breaking new ground... thanks.. you're making my life a lot better.

in other, less shocking news, i also picked up Brian Wilson's Smile, and yeah, its amazing, like i figured it would be. the only thing though, was part of me kept thinking it was too late. i mean, its good, but i dont think its as important or means as much now. i mean, its almost like its an inspiration of itself, or fits into an inspiration of itself. its not nearly as groundbreaking as it certainly would have been in 1967. but, maybe that was it... thats one of the legends.. maybe Brian knew it would all be too much to handle, maybe he knew it was far too brilliant and ahead of its time, maybe he just wanted to fit into the pack, rather than lead it... see, he wasnt nuts... hahahahaha, i just said brian wilson wasnt nuts... i kinda meant it, too...

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