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Yeah!!!! Anyone know where i can get a good.....


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One way to approach buying stuff is to figure out what's going to give you maximum enjoyment. For example, for a beginner with $500 to spend, it's often better to spend $250 on a mid-range instrument and $250 on lessons than $500 on a better instrument. (Note that I'm not suggesting you're a beginner, it just illustrates my point better.)

If you have enough money for a PHATT bass amp, you might consider getting several different pieces of gear, for example:

  • a compressor
  • a pre-amp and/or DI box (e.g., the BassPod Pro from Line6)
  • a good soundcard for your computer
  • recording software
  • "band-in-a-box" type s/w

If you're going to do most of your playing at home, a rig like that can take you places musically that one big bass amp can't. Further, with a pre-amp or a DI box, you can plug into a house PA for serious power when playing in clubs. (For open-jam at Dekcuf, the bass is always DI, and it sounds great.)

Speaking from personal experience, getting some way to record at home (especially against "standard" songs, or "exercise"-type material) is incredibly valuable. Playing something, and then hearing yourself having played it right afterwards, will help enormously in becoming a better player.



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If you're four months into playing, I strongly recommend some instruction books & videos, and maybe even some lessons. Will you be playing in clubs or jamming with others? If not, you don't need much more than a small amp (like 5-10 Watts). It's better to play well through so-so gear, than play badly through amazing gear (which will just make your bad playing come through loud and clear, which may not be what you want...).

Also, learning some musical theory (scales/modes/chords & their relationships, along with rhythm [i.e., how to count in different time signatures]) will help enormously (even going so far as to learn some keyboard playing is a great thing); ideally, you should be able to play in all the keys (even non-open-position keys like Bb and Eb). With some theory under your belt, you can start to approach song structure and figure out why songs are organized the way they are.

I look at the bass as the bridge between the rhythmic world of the drums and the melodic/harmonic world of the guitar/piano/voice/etc. As such, it has a key musical role, and the more musical theory the bassist knows, the better.

Also, get out and talk to other bassists. If nero comes to your town, talk to the PEIPunk if you/he get a chance; he's the man on the bass.



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Awsome man... Its kinda funny how things worked out. I was hanging out with the sanzwill band(formely known as soul pleasure) back in january, and the bass player they had at the time was just horrible. I decided right then and there that i was going to buy a bass and play 4 them... After buying my bass and screwing around with it 4 only a few days, are band had already lined up a gig... I was shitting myself... After the gig i felt soo good and had realized that bass is somthing I definatly want to explore and learn more about... So the information u thow at me is very much appreciated... [big Grin]

So, again i say thx, chief [big Grin]

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Awsome man... Its kinda funny how things worked out. I was hanging out with the sanzwill band(formely known as soul pleasure) back in january, and the bass player they had at the time was just horrible. I decided right then and there that i was going to buy a bass and play 4 them... After buying my bass and screwing around with it 4 only a few days, are band had already lined up a gig... I was shitting myself... After the gig i felt soo good and had realized that bass is somthing I definatly want to explore and learn more about... So the information u throw at me is very much appreciated... [big Grin]

So, again i say thx, chief [big Grin]

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hey pieg you wanna go down to the firepit and have a burn tonight? bring down your little guitar again brother

branka just called me said she wants to come down too,,, give me a call in a while if your up for it

PS. howd those tec 3's treat ya lol

probly wont shyte for a week

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Hmmm well first off my ass is fine, infact i just took a huge shit... hehe [Eek!]

Sure i'd love to go down and have fire tonight, but we maybe jamming at stefans first... Does that sound like a good idea? [big Grin]

Then im sure after the short jam (cause u know stefans dad wont let us play long) we will head down to the ol' fire hole 4 a good evnings worth of kind jams...

Ill just give u a ring between 4 and 5 so be around ok bros.....

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Just sent my income tax form back, and this year it was a beauty..... [big Grin][big Grin][big Grin] Time to spend some money on a PHATT bass amp... Im intrested in buying a mini disk recorder as well, anyone now where to shop 4 a nice one at a good price?????

Jesus, im still shocked at the amount im getting back... [Eek!][Eek!][Eek!]

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