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Modest Mouse question


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Now... don't be offendeded... but... I have a question about Modest Mouse.

A LOT of people who's taste I respect in music have been raving about this band, and tonight, via downloading, i've amassed a good 30 of their songs, and listened to all of them...

... and I'm rather shocked. They strike me as very mediocre. Am I not getting something? Can someone help me understand why these guys have such a following?

It just seems to me that their songs sound very the same, and I've never been a fan of bands that like to scream their lyrics... so... maybe I'm bias? maybe they've been built up too much for me? I'm really not trying to be confrontational, I just want to know the appeal...

side note: I've since listened to a bunch of Ugly Casanova (thank you Velvet!) and enjoy it about twice as much than MM. Is this typical?

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Guest Low Roller

People have different tastes, and Modest Mouse is definitely not for everyone. I like them because I find them to be completely original. They definitely don't jam, and they don't always rock out. They have this certain "je ne sais quoi" that makes them unique in my eyes. Their records typically have a great flow to them, and are a fun listen under the right circumstance. I suggest you listen to "Lonesome Crowded West" and "The Moon and Antarctica" in their entirety because those are extremely well crafted records. I haven't listened to the Ugly Cassanova stuff yet however, so I don't have a comparison point between the two. It's definitely on my to-do list.

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I have to agree with Low Roller, listen to those two albums. I especially like The Moon and Antarctica.

Modest Mouse definately is not a band for the masses. The first time I listened to them I wasn't really impressed, but they have kind of grown on me over the course of a few rotations in the cd player. I find it's the lyrics that I dig more than anything else.

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for me, it's their creativity. lyrically, and musically, they're just unafraid. there's passion and conviction in their sound, and intelligence in their lyrics... i do agree with low roller that you gotta sit down and listen to a record all the way through with these guys, as opposed to random songs...

you absolutely must listen to the moon and antarctica, start to finish. brilliance.. sheer brilliance.

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I heard (and fell absolutely head over heels in love with) Ugly Casanova before ever hearing MM. After a while I bought a MM cd and really, if it wasn't for my love of UC and the fact that some songs on the MM cd kinda remind me a wee bit of UC, I would never listen to them. I think it's original and somewhat interesting, but not really for me either.

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All right... I listened.

You were right... on the whole, listening to these albums were better than just listening to random pieces of MM's stuff... Lonesome Crowded West had some all right tunes on it...

... that said, I don't think I'm precisely sold. I guess they're just not for me. Thanks for the help, though...

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