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Phish Management Company To Close


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These headlines on Phish are going to start to dwindle, so I'm goig to post everyone I see, including this one.

from www.billboard.com

Edited By Jonathan Cohen. November 30, 2004, 4:00 PM ET

Phish Management Company To Close

With the final, rain-soaked Phish fest in Coventry, Vt., now in the books after a lengthy refund reconciliation, longtime band manager John Paluska will dismantle the band's Burlington, Vt.-based management company, Dionysian Productions.

"Dionysian Productions will be a non-entity as of the end of the year," Paluska, Phish's manager for 16 years, tells Billboard. "I'm taking a sabbatical and I don't know where I'll re-emerge. It may be in the music business, or it may not be."

Paluska started managing Phish while he was still in college. "My entire adult life has been consumed with this band," he says. "It has been an amazing 16 years."

Phish will maintain a small headquarters in Vermont, headed by longtime Phish archivist Kevin Shapiro. "The rest of us are all splitting off and doing different things," says Paluska. Dionysian's staff, including Phish Dry Goods, the band's merchandising company, numbered more than 25 when the band was on the road.

Jason Colton, a key executive at Dionysian, will continue to work with Phish bassist Mike Gordon as manager; Gordon is recording a second album with Leo Kottke in December and the pair will tour together again.

As previously reported, keyboardist Page McConnell just released a DVD, "Live at the Fillmore," with his band Vida Blue and the Spam Allstars on Image Entertainment. Drummer Jon Fishman's side project, Pork Tornado, currently has no tour dates booked.

Sources say band guitarist Trey Anastasio is close to announcing a new management deal with Dave Matthews Band manager Coran Capshaw, but the move could not be immediately confirmed. Anastasio, who owns the most box office clout of any Phish member, will likely tour in 2005. The artist was recently visited in the studio by Gordon and Fishman while he at work on his next project.

The last major effort of Dionysian Productions was orchestrating the mass refunding effort for fans turned away from Coventry. The Aug. 14-15 event sold out and grossed more than $8.8 million, but at least 10,000 people never made it into the grounds due to torrential rains that closed roads in the area.

Each of those ticket holders were fully refunded and also received a limited edition Danny Clinch photo-documentary about Phish. Band members hand-signed every copy.

"That in itself was quite an effort," says Paluska. "We rented space, and seeing all those books was quite a sight. It took the band a couple of solid days of signing to get it done. I hope people appreciate the gesture, because it was heartfelt. The band put a lot into it, and I think it was somewhat therapeutic."

On its final tour, Phish stayed true to its history, keeping ticket prices at the normal rate when it likely could have charged devoted fans three times as much.

"It would have been a little late to change our whole strategy," observes Paluska. "These guys will continue to have careers as musicians, and hopefully Phish fans will follow them in their new careers. So there wasn't any thinking of 'this is our last chance to squeeze every penny out before it ends.'"

-- Ray Waddell, Nashville

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I like the Dave Matthews Band. I especially like Dave Matthews & Friends which Trey Anastasio was in since the Friends started in 2003. The best Matthews shows I've seen including some solo shows at a few Farm Aids the Friends shows are my favorite.

Based on that association it makes sense if Trey goes to the Dave Matthews management team.

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sorry i have made this point before but have to reiterate it once more.

i think the photo album, while still possibly the best idea they could ever come up with, sucks. i mean 10,000 people make a huge effort to come see you, are told to 'go home'by gordon himself, (representing the band as a whole) and then to make it up to people send them pictures of themselves. doesn't that seem weird to anyone else?

i walked in. but my heart goes out for those who walked away. i guess they might of been the 'straight' folk. maybe some of them never got to experience phish. i strongly feel the band should of encouraged people to park somewhere safe and walk in. legalities or whatever aside. you cannot play for the people in already, when you asked your phans to come later.

what about rescheduling for a month from then or something? yes schedules and lives would be messed up, but at the very least it would empower the phan who has given their time, love, and energy with the option.

where was the love?

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