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A Call To All Holiday Shoppers...


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please, i beg of you... be nice to your salespeople. please be understanding that they are under a lot of pressure and stress, and dont get those same times to spend with their families... yes, its their choice to work retail, but that doesnt mean they deserve to be sh!t on. its a busy time, and everyone gets a little nuts.. please try to spread some compassion and understanding whenever possible... it may be frustrating to wait in line, it may be frustrating that things arent going your way, but believe me, its a lot more frustrating for the front lines, the people behind the counter, who are just trying to get through it and make it better for everyone... after all, when you're done, you get to go home... salespeople dont.

folks, it's december 9th, and i rarely have to sell anymore, but my will is already broken. please, it's not a lot to ask...

thank you.

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I finished most of mine in october,just got my nieces & nephews (2 of each) to buy for now,which shouldn't be very hard at all.Music for the girls (10 & 11) and hockey equipment for the boys.(6 & 7)

I need to smoke a few good crackers before even thinking of dealing with people in stores this time of year (sales or shoppers) so I'm usually rather mellow with a bit of subtle sarcasm to make it entertaining.

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aww, poor guigs.

for the record, i am always super duper nice to salespeople. it's like servers in a restaurant. why do people think they can treat them differently?? i will never understand that. we each have a choice when it comes to interactions with other people, we can try to make eachother's day a little better or a little worse. why not better?

and now, i'm off to write some cards for hallmark. ::

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