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jamcam chronicles


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hey there! hope all is well in the great white north!

well, i met this guy a while back, at jury duty of all places, that is starting this project called JamCam chronlicles and i thought you all might be interested. it's kinda like a video version of Relix. this guy, tom, goes around to different festivals and tapes all the bands and does interviews with them and puts together a dvd. you can sign up for a years subscription and every month you get a dvd from a different festival. i think it's a really neat idea especially for those that don't get a chance to travel a whole lot and a good opprotunity to see a lot of bands that you might not get to otherwise. and it only ends up being about $10 a dvd.

the website is www.jamcamdvd.com if you're interested in learning more.

have a wonderfully awesome day!


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