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This Bohemian ain't so bad!


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I gotta say, I don't understand how all you guys don't dig on the Lakeport Honey. I find it to be tasty. I have to say though, we're not often drinking bottles here, as you will see from the following (bad quality) pictoral:

Keggerator on King

bad quality photos by The Good Reverend


This is the Keggerator. It was on the curb in Waterdown with a sign that said 'Works'. Loaded it into the van and brought it home, whereupon my roomates pulled out the power drill and the caulking, drilled the holes and mounted a tap, hooked up a co2 tank and sat a keg of beer inside. The co2 allows it to operate like a keg in a bar and stay good, as opposed to a party keg that you would pump, that would go bad rather quickly. The thermometer is actually a pipe-freeze alarm that alerts us if the fridge dips below 1 degree Celsius. I didn't snap a picture, but we affixed heavy-duty clasps to the door of the thing to hold it closed. The object is to save energy (and therefore money on energy bill).


The inside is empty, as you can see, because the keg is being refilled. We get it filled at a homebrew shop on the mountain, it's about a hundred bucks for a fill (plus whatever we paid for the original keg, I think the outstanding deposit is 50 bucks). Keg holds about 100 pints of the homebrew, and we've ordered all different kinds. They offer a Creemore knock-off, a Rickard's Red knock off, many assorted knock-offs. Each time we pour a pint, we drop a loonie in the coffee can in the first picture. After 100 pints, the next keg is paid for. You can see we've already got a case of Honey to tide us until Tuesday, when the keg is ready for pick-up.


So as you can see, I don't worry too often about cheap bottled beer. I have cheap beer on tap in my living room :D.

The Keggerator is old hat, though. Here's our newest acquisition.


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Not to worry my good man, I experienced my first hookah quite young, courtesy of a friend's older brother who brought it back from the Middle East. Dope doesn't belong in that bowl. Argheelie - I know it as nargeela, or sheesha or shahruri. Flavoured molasses tobacco. We've been smoking lemon, mint and cantaloupe this week. Strawberry next week!

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