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REVISED: Bonnaroo 2005 Line-up


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yep, no Bonaroo for this kid

too hot, too muddy, too crowded and not enough time to fully enjoy the (relatively few) acts that I'd want to see that're playin... the only really stand out acts to me in that line-up are John Prine and Karl Densen and I'd rather spend a night somewhere dedicated to just seeing each of them at a night of their own... anyone else on the bill I'll wait until they come or come back to Molson Ampitheatre or I catch them at a less overhyped fest

Tennessee, Tennessee... there really are places I'd rather be

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Yeah, I say meh just based on my own preferences for small to medium festivals. That's just me though.

I'm actually really pumped for the Ottawa Bluesfest this year...I'm on the up and up with backstage hospitality again, and although I don't know anything about the lineup yet I'm getting regular emails from the insiders and will post what I know when I know it.

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sure its diverse but you'll spend more time getting in and out of that festivals and waiting in food/ice/water lines then listening to to the music.

You'll find that most large scale festivals have very strict crowd control. Gone are the days of free roaming at festivals of this magnitude. The fact is that the masses are too stupid and cannot be trusted to act in a responsible way anymore. That's not to say that you personally are stupid, but rather I'm refering to the average idiot quotient of the people at this festival. It is in the US afterall. The larger the attendance the higher likelyhood that the combined stupidity will set off some sort of Woodstock '99 flashback.

I think you're missing the point boss.

The first two 'roos were "small festivals" with lots and lots of people. Some big clearchannel / ticketmaster type corporation bought it right before the second year, and announced so during the festival.

This in turn has led to more mainstream music, and more security. When you bring in DMB, you bring in the people that need to be policed. As in, the people that aren't quite as good at assimilating, and are sort of "blown away" by the magnitude etc. The mainstream crowd.

I think thats what people are getting at when they sight the differences. And it is very very noticeable. I was glad I couldnt' go last year.

But, its Panic time now!

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Guest Low Roller

I think we're both coming from the same angle chief.

The small underground hippie festivals are usually of little security concern because the audience is typically too fu©ked up on drugs to cause any real disturbance. The main concern for the organizers of these festivals is having ample medical facilities to handle everyone who is having a bad trip, dehydrated, or OD'ed.

Once the mainstream becomes aware of these festivals, the Idiot Quotient (pantent pending) increases and you have people like the Dope Sprayer who start showing up, resulting in a need for tighter security.

I think Bonnaroo has evolved tremendously since its inception and they no longer cater to the hippies, but rather to people that just want to see kick-ass live music for three days. And I for one congratulate them on their vision and their success. We should all be thankful that Bonnaroo keeps on thriving while feces like Ashley Simpson get booed off the stage at half-time of football games.

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I think we're both coming from the same angle chief.

The small underground hippie festivals are usually of little security concern because the audience is typically too fu©ked up on drugs to cause any real disturbance. The main concern for the organizers of these festivals is having ample medical facilities to handle everyone who is having a bad trip, dehydrated, or OD'ed.

Once the mainstream becomes aware of these festivals, the Idiot Quotient (pantent pending) increases and you have people like the Dope Sprayer who start showing up, resulting in a need for tighter security.

I think Bonnaroo has evolved tremendously since its inception and they no longer cater to the hippies, but rather to people that just want to see kick-ass live music for three days. And I for one congratulate them on their vision and their success. We should all be thankful that Bonnaroo keeps on thriving while feces like Ashley Simpson get booed off the stage at half-time of football games.

I guess its a chicken and egg thing. I dont' think it was about 'roo getting big - it was big to begin with. It was about mainstream acts bringing that crowd. If it was just the hippies, as you refer above, it would be fine. And if DMB (nothing against DMB, just a good example) wasn't playing, and it was still a festival where I could show everyone at work the list of performers and no-one would recognize any of them, then the extra security would and things cited negatively in the evolution of bonnaroo would not exist. It would be the same "small hippy festival" it was the first year. But when the corporate folks take hold, its over.

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