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remember that 1,420 calorie burger?


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Here's what Rome had to say:

The old 96er, at Denny's Beer Barrel Pub, outside of State College, PA has a 6 pound burger on the menu. If anyone can finish the burger, along with the 5 pounds of ‘fixins’ that come along with it, inside of 3 hours, then the $23.95 price is waived. You also get t-shirt, a certificate, and “other prizes” if you can take it down. And up until recently, no one was able to take ye old 96er down in the required 3 hours. Even competitive eater Eric ‘Badlands’ Booker, all 420 pounds of him, was unable to do it. And this is a guy who has eaten 49 glazed donuts in eight minutes. If a guy that can kill over 4 dozen doughnuts in 8 minutes can’t do it, then it can’t be done, right? Wrong.

Kate Stelnick, a 19 year old college student from New Jersey knocked the disgusting thing back in 2 hours and 54 minutes. She weighs in at a very petitie 100 pounds, barley cracking triple digits and she killed it? That is easily the most revolting thing ever. The burger has the following dimensions. It takes 45 minutes to cook, and weighs 6 pounds. You also must polish off all 5 pounds of fixins, which include one large onion, 2 large tomatoes, a half of a head of lettuce, 1 ¼ pounds of cheese, the top and the bottom bun, and a cup of mayonnaise, a cup of ketchup, a cup of mustard, a cup of relish and a cup of banana peppers. And oh yeah, some pickles because you need the pickles.

Kate at all of Denny's burger and still lived to tell about it. “I just saw it on TV and I really thought I could do it. I felt very full, but I was too excited that I ate it to actually notice.” Stelnick says that she didn’t eat for 2 days leading up to eating the burger. Great! Good for you. You're a tremendous glutton. You risked your health for a free hamburger. You must be very proud. Seriously, enough of this already. It’s embarrassing. There are people who don’t have enough to eat, and we are trying to find news ways to make people sick by eating too much. It’s offensive and disgusting. I don’t need to see some 100 pound woman swallow 11 pounds worth of food in three hours. What’s the point? So, she can get a free burger and a certificate?

Look, if you want to debase yourself and eat like that, then I guess there is no stopping you, but stop pretending like you actually accomplished something, because you didn’t.

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I'd be up for that, but the one in Westboro is easier for me to get to. (The timing is important for me, too: I need to get dinner eaten between about 4:30pm and 6:00pm, plus or minus a bit.) At the very least, we should wait for Velvet to get back, as I know he'd be interested.



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