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nero 2004-11-13 On Archive


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The Attic

Halifax, NS

Source: ECM-MS907 > MZ-N707

Lineage:MZ-N707 > Soundforge v6.0 @ 16 bit 44.1 kHz >CDWave v1.76 >Shorten-3.5.1 >SHN

Taped and transfered by Eric Mac Innis,ericmacinnis_1@hotmail.com

Set 1, Disc 1

01.Chocolate Monkey Machine

02.The Year Of...



05.401 Theme->


07.401 Theme

Set 2, Disc 2






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Just listening to it now dave-O, it sounds alright... Mildly chatty (not overly so), Dave's guitar sounds a little muffled (might be the venue) and Punk's bass could be a little louder (just a little, it's still there). Just for laughs, why not do up your copy so we can compare... I'm always looking for the best possible source for my shows, particularly my nero shows, so it would be nice to have two sources to choose from... Or you could just download the source I have from the archive, compare yourself, and get back to me. If your's is better, I'd love to grab a copy...

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Also, what happened to your nero/Blue Quarter seamless recording? Will that ever see the light of day? I remember you having some sort of problem with it, but I forget what... I'd love to have something on disc from that night, not the best show but I had a great time. I think whatever you have is all that exists...

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Didn't I give you what we got out of the nero-BQ night? I gave it to someone (BradM? Sloth? Booche?). The story goes something like this... Tungsten was recording the show, his gear crapped out. Somehow BradM and I threw a rig together on the fly. The best part of the recording is you can hear Eric, Andre, Brad and I - extremely intoxicated - trying to trouble-shoot the gear. But no, the show doesn't sound great.

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In defense of anything I may have said on that recording while extremely intoxicated, I'll note that I wasn't actually supposed to be taping that night. Instead, I was working the merch table as a favour to Velvet (IIRC, this was a CD release thing for "SoOn", and Velvet needed/wanted to be out and about on the floor and at the door), and, well, he kept me more than adequately supplied with refreshing beverages.

IIRC, Tungsten came up to me at the merch table, and said that his MD recorder was dead. I just about sprung into action, found dave-O, asked if he had his MD, which he did, I got my mics, and the rest is down in the historical (or is that hysterical?) record.

For the record, the show was Saturday, Sept. 6, 2003.



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Let the record show that I was extremely intoxicated. I think ER made me jump onstage and do something as well.

"Flick that switch over there."


All I know is that the look on Lauzon's face while I was staggering through patch chords was priceless. We were meeeeeeessy.

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i finally just got it burned and am listening to the lemondust now... i didnt get around to listening to it at work yesterday... i have a feeling yours is gonna sound better, dave-o. just a gut feeling.

edit: hahahahahaha!!! either way, this lemondust fu©king rules!!!! you know when you find yourself dancing in your chair, and you only realize it after a minute or so of doing it? thats good sh!t.

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BradM, can I get quick "upload to the archive" tutorial?

Here goes...

1. First, you need a user ID on archive.org:


2. With that, you need to prepare the show for upload. You'll need:

1. The audio files, named the usual way, e.g., "nero2004-11-13d1t01.shn" for the first track on the first disc of nero's 2004-11-13 show. I use "Shorten" (available here) to convert .wav files to .shn files.

2. A text file describing the show (named, e.g., "nero2004-11-13.txt"); check out "Creating An Info File" here.

3. One "MD5" checksum file per disc; I use "MD5Sum" (available here), so you'd have "nero2004-11-13d1.md5" and "nero2004-11-13d2.md5", created using MD5Sum by doing:

md5sum nero2004-11-13d1*.shn > nero2004-11-13d1.md5

md5sum nero2004-11-13d2*.shn > nero2004-11-13d2.md5

4. With all the files, you're ready to upload. I use a command-line FTP client (under WinXP), and do:

ftp audio-uploads.archive.org

with the user ID (your e-mail address) and password created in step #1. Once logged in, first set the transfer mode to binary, typically done by issuing the "bin" command.

After this, create a directory for your files. For this show, and SHN files, the directory would be created using the following FTP command:

mkdir nero2004-11-13.shnf

(the "shnf" stands for "shorten folder", I think). Then go into the directory:

cd nero2004-11-13.shnf

and do an FTP "put" on each file to be transferred. Once the transfer is complete, quit the FTP program.

5. You now use archive.org's web pages to import the upload:


is the starting place. You end up going to some web page forms to fill in the info for the concert, and then the per-file (or per-track) info. Once that's all complete, archive.org takes over, and typically a few hours later, the show is available for download.



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But no, the show doesn't sound great.

I've got it on right now, and the opening track, "Lemondust > Basheeba > Lemondust" is actually pretty good, and better sounding than I remember it.

What I don't remember is what the order was. I thought it was nero / BQ / nero / BQ, but it seems like Blue Quarter opened the show up. Does anybody remember?

Also, dave-O: is the show two CDs or three? I thought it was three, but I can only find two CDs.



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