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**respectful healing vibes to Bob Weir/Good Bye


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fu©k the internet. its a fantasy land where people get way too caught up in what others say and do.

i know full well of the incident you speak of and believe me this sh!t goes away if you let it. how many times have we scoffed at zero/kung for retreating......several. it solves nothing and causes an out pouring of why's and what the fu©k's which cause speculation which is bad.

big effin deal if people say what they say, fu©k it. fu©k it all to hell. if you would be cowardly enough to tuck tail and run everytime there's adversity, than the events leading up to the 'event' or whatever you'd like to call it were wrong to begin with. stand by your actions, stand by your words and stand by your feelings, tactfully.


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fu©k the internet. its a fantasy land where people get way too caught up in what others say and do.

i know full well of the incident you speak of and believe me this sh!t goes away if you let it. how many times have we scoffed at zero/kung for retreating......several. it solves nothing and causes an out pouring of why's and what the fu©k's which cause speculation which is bad.

big effin deal if people say what they say, fu©k it. fu©k it all to hell. if you would be cowardly enough to tuck tail and run everytime there's adversity, than the events leading up to the 'event' or whatever you'd like to call it were wrong to begin with. stand by your actions, stand by your words and stand by your feelings, tactfully.


In all fairness schwa,I know this has nothing to do with anything on this board.All I can & will say.

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fu©k the internet. its a fantasy land where people get way too caught up in what others say and do.

i know full well of the incident you speak of and believe me this sh!t goes away if you let it. how many times have we scoffed at zero/kung for retreating......several. it solves nothing and causes an out pouring of why's and what the fu©k's which cause speculation which is bad.

big effin deal if people say what they say, fu©k it. fu©k it all to hell. if you would be cowardly enough to tuck tail and run everytime there's adversity, than the events leading up to the 'event' or whatever you'd like to call it were wrong to begin with. stand by your actions, stand by your words and stand by your feelings, tactfully.


In all fairness schwa,I know this has nothing to do with anything on this board.All I can & will say.

Just curious, but why leave the board then?

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nobody'd PM each other about business that's not theirs.

Your right...

Well there was one PM to me the other day...from Hux.Thats why I made my comment and left it at that to avoid the obvious misunderstandings people always have.

And for the record,Schwa and I did not discuss it....for those who feel the need to tell others what not to do.

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I appreciate how people are interested and genuinely care for others in this scene but i've gotta say that we've got to make sure that it doesn't turn into a case of gossip.

I've been asked 'what's up' about a few key issues and always kept to myself. i never understood why people were nosey about peoples' personal issues...if you're tight with somebody or at least in dialogue about the issue then you deserve to know - if you don't know then appreciate the mystery.

i love not knowing key details. it keeps my opinions of people on a constant.

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