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bradm and Velvet --->


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Do you guys feel like heading to The Works this weekend? Possibly Friday evening? Brad, I know we briefly discussed organizing something once Todd got back from Peru. Well, Todd's back, and my jones for a Works KD burger needs to be filled! I'm leaving for work soon, so send me a PM or reply here if you guys feel like eating there tomorrow... I can head out to the one in Westboro straight from work on Friday. (I believe you said that would work best for you Brad). I should be able to meet you guys around 5pm - 5:30pm... Of course, if this happens, any other Ottawa people are more than welcome to join... rubberdinghy? Stapes? Maybe a beer or two afterwards? Anyways, get back to me. Brad, I can bring you those nero 2003-03-29 discs if we meet as well... Cheers!

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