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Phunny Encounter


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At my office I have a reserved parking space underground. Every day I park two spots away from a pickup truck that had always caught my attention. I just didn't know who owned it. I had actually considered leaving a New Monsoon CD under the windshield for the owner (for reasons you will understand in a moment).

Today, on my way to my car, I saw an optician who works on my floor in the truck and about to drive out. He's about 55 years old, and apparently quite conservative.

I waved to him and said, "Gill, is this your truck?" "Yes, why?" "I see you have a run like an antelope sticker on the back." "Pardon" "(repeat last statement)". "No, that's a sticker warning people to watch out for deer."

I brought him around the back of his truck and pointed out the long, straight horns coming off the "deer" on his sticker; and gave him a quick description of 10s of thousands of people running in place while this song plays live.

"Ohhh!!! That makes sense. When I bought this car I had to peel a huge sticker off the rear window that said "Grateful Dead" in bones."

I then gave him a quick lesson in the history of the jamband scene (bearing in mind he only knows me as a lawyer) including a very brief mention of some of the places I had been, to which he shook his head and said "StoneMtn (which is, of course, the name I use in my professional capacity) you never cease to amaze me." (I think it was a compliment.) :P

I thought it was pretty funny (although I must now admit that the story doesn't really read as funny as it was in real life) but I felt like sharing it anyway...

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