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Kids these days

Davey Boy 2.0

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From Facts and Arguments (I'll bet Scottie King's students have no 'Concert Roadie' aspirations):

Kids' dream jobs

"Canada's up-and-comers are very savvy -- they are motivated, have solid values and they really know what it takes to succeed," says Ian Armour, brand manager for Listerine PocketPaks. In an on-line youth forum with MuchMusic as a partner, Listerine found kids have these dream jobs: 1. entertainment reporter; 2. on-air personality; 3. fashion designer; 4. hair and makeup professional -- film or music-video shoot; 5. music video director; 6. big cheese at MuchMusic; 7. record producer; 8. magazine editor; 9. game designer; 10. concert roadie.

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Wow, how quickly our society has gone from the classic fireman/nurse/cop/save-the-world kind of jobs to these self-obsessed reaches for fame. Now, of course these are MuchMusic fans we're dealing with...but still sad. Davey Boy, do you know if they were given choices? I sure hope it's not too late for them to grow up.

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Who were these kids that were polled? I think these results would have to have been impacted by the socio-economic environment where the kids were raised. I can't imagine many kids where I grew up choosing any of those jobs.

Kids are highly suggestable, and their choices are definitely skewed based on what they've been exposed to. The kids who completed this survey seem to have only been exposed to jobs they've seen on TV.

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Not surprising really,it was done online in a music video forum,doesn't seem strange that kids would want to be those things.I bet if asked the same question on say,a military website, you see alot more tank drivers then entertainment reporters.

It is funny though.

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i wouldn't fret (too) much.

since i'm a newbie teacher, you kinda get what they give you to fill up your schedule. so this year, besides my actual teachable subject of spanish, i've also been teaching career studies. i've gone through about 120 kids and i'd say the results haven't changed all that much over the years. of course there are a few who want to be models, singers, rappers, and pro athletes (okay, more than a few who want to be pro athletes), but overall the norm is still occupations like cop, doctor, lawyer, engineer, mechanic, entrepreneur, veterinarian, writer, computer programmer, etc etc.

one thing which i've noticed is videogames... many of them have 'videogame inventor' on their list of top jobs.

so don't give up yet! i think the fact that the poll was in cahoots with muchmusic definitely had a large effect on the results. this has given me the idea of polling all the careers classes though... could be interesting!

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i think entertainment reporter, record producer, concert roadie, fashion designer, and magazine editor are some of my dream jobs...keeping in mind i don't know how to sew.

that and highschool teacher...after loads of hindsight and soul searching.

now can they make the right academic and personal decisions to actually make their dreams a reality?

at least it's not 'meth dealer' and 'painkiller junkie'

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