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God's Own Superpower


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Focus on the Family, a conservative Christian group, criticized the investigation, saying, "The air force trains the cadets to make the ultimate sacrifice if necessary, and even to imply that it is wrong to talk about the ultimate meaning of life, which is religious, is absurd."

Very interesting position.

Who says that the "ultimate meaning of life" is religious? Isn't that a completely SUBJECTIVE opinion? Wouldn't atheists have a different view on the "ultimate meaning of life". [color: purple]I had no idea there was objective evidence to prove what is, in fact, life's ultimate meaning; but I guess I was wrong. In any event, even if that were true, which religion prevails? Wouldn't it be the older religions that pre-dated Christianity by THOUSANDS of years, or did God convert to Christianity since then? One would think that posting signs like "I am a member of Team Jesus." (as noted in the article) would have to be more than a little problematic for the Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Zoroastrian... members of the group, and I wonder if Focus on the Family would take the same position if someone posted "I am a member of Team Allah."

Ridiculous, fundamentalist crap. I would hate to be brain-washed like that.[color:purple][color:purple][color:purple]

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What freaks me out is that these guys are in an identity-destroying and identity-forming factory. The military's first job is to break you down and then rebuild you as someone prepared to kill total strangers under the orders of people that are supposed to know better than you what's going on.

That's what freaks me out, all the theological issues to the side.

Then there are all the theological issues as well. Ludwig Feuerbach was right, nearly 200 years ago - you learn something essential about a person by how they describe their God.

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Just occurred to me: there's a brilliant PBS Frontline edition on GW Bush and his evangelicalism; he really gets called to task on his grade-school theology (binary divisions of the world into good and evil, etc.) by some pretty articulate folks. Well worth the watch if you have the time. And yes, it's troubling.

Frontline: the Jesus Factor

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why wouldn't the non-prayers just humour them and take the time to meditate...chill out...contemplate...

Sometimes I want to punch you, because you say such ridiculous things. Unfortunately, I don't have time to drive to Ottawa (or wherever it is that you live) right now. Could you possibly humour me by driving down to Hamilton so that I can fulfill this wish?

No one should EVER humour anyone who tries to ram religion down their throat.

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No one should EVER humour anyone who tries to ram religion down their throat.

particularly if they are armed and willing to kill you.

so which side in the war on terror is the fundamentalist team anyway? looks to mw like the lines are blurring a bit :)

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