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Phil interview with Tucker Carlson


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Tucker Carlson is a sycophantic fool. PBS has sold out to the right-wing. And his bowtie just angers me.

To paraphrase: How come you guys never made money? I saw you fifty times, but never bought your albums. Money's important. Also, you guys never endorsed politicians, which is cool because it lets the few right-wingers like me and Anne Coulter the opportunity to have some fun outside of our actual jobs of helping destroy the very principles upon which you and your following seem to strive. I'll just sum everything up by frequently using the term 'Libertarian'.

On the lighter side, I'll give the bastard credit for conducting a decent interview. Maybe he should stick to entertainment instead of politics.


Right-wing Deadheads freek me out.


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"...when he came to Washington to talk about his memoir, Searching for the Sound, I interviewed him, unapologetically, as a fan."


this really makes me wonder about my whole take on the music of the dead and the people it inspires. carlson is the proto right wing pundit nitwit, maybe right wing nitwit deadheads are a more real phenomenon than i thought. anne coulter claims to be a deadhead, and ho check out rec.music.gdead sometime, there are a considerable population of right wingers there too...maybe these are the people who ate the brown acid?

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The whole ideology behind the Dead is not the sole possession of leftist "hippies". Scratch the surface and you'll find Hells Angels, high ranking politicians, good 'ole boy rednecks and religious zealots whom all found something to take from the whole experience. It's also the end result of playing for 30 years on the road.

Tucker is still a dick though.

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I was looking for MarcO's quote..how the Dead and veggie burritos met is a mystery to me, not that there's anythign wrong with a holistic lifestyle but why did people think a hard-drugging, ice-cream eating fat man was the saviour of the vegans that loved him so?

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