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For those in Customer Service....


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Alright, I've had about enough today! Sorry to bitch but I have no one at work to unload on!

I would love to walk out of my job right now (but realize I wouldn't be able to feed, shelter or clothe myself if I did)

I'm so frustrated with the IDIOTS that I have to deal with. They are so rude, slightly abusive, and completely ignorant to me on the phone.

I've been dealing with the "customer service" industry for 14 years..............I think I might snap!

What are some of your tricks to not letting these people get under your skin?

How do you keep your work atmosphere POSITIVE, when all you have is negative employees, and negative customers???

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Yeah, that rots.

What I'd always try to do when dealing with assholes was to do a version of the laugh therapy thing. You know - if you smile the muscle movement tricks your brain into thinking you're happy so you actually become happy.

Smile and for every inch they cross the asshole line, you go an extra inch down the drippy/happy/sappy/courteous line. The key is NOT to give into everything, but to deliver your message in an extra happy way.

You have to make it into a competition with them - without their knowing it.

There's always an appeal to telling people to shove their complaints up their ungrateful-stench-ridden-asses, but you get way farther like this.

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Good timing Sunshine. I just attended a dealing with Difficult Customers seminar last week. I still have the booklet and can go over a few things that helped me at dinner tonight. Basically the seminar taught us the proper discourse for dealing with upset people so that they don't have the opportunity to treat us badly. As customer service people we have to say certain things in a certain order to difuse the situation.

Take it easy babe, don't take any of it personally. Take deep breaths and remember all the wonderful people your life is blessed with. The love in your life far exceeds the idiots.

Have a better day. I'll get a dessert. ;)

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Take it easy babe, don't take any of it personally. Take deep breaths and remember all the wonderful people your life is blessed with. The love in your life far exceeds the idiots.

What she said. Most of the people who are pissing you off don't realize it so it's wasted energy to get upset/frustrated over. And the other fuggers don't care anyway...

Make sure J gives you some sweet lovin' massages after work

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Ms. Hux - if ever a full-time management level position opens up in Toronto let me know. I am stuck in a rut in my current job, and there is little chance for advancement here. I now have 4 years Customer Service Management experience.

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How do you keep your work atmosphere POSITIVE, when all you have is negative employees, and negative customers???

One good idea is to make dissatisfaction fun. I will give you an example. At a call centre I worked at in California there was a Slam Man set up.


Whenever an agent got really frustrated by a call they could log out, put on the gloves, and really give it to the Slam Man. Most agents in the centre would get a good chuckle out of it and, needless to say, it was great way to blow off steam for the agent in question.

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Thanks Guys!

Sorry I just had a really weak moment!

I've taken many courses in customer service over the years. I pulled out all the stops today....and I was defeated.

TRUST ME - I'm actively job searching! I wish I spoke French. I am investigating some language courses.

The last contract I signed ends in September, so I think that will be the end.

If I could only get my reflexology off the ground....surrounded by happy, healing vibes...now there's my dream!

Anyway, my weak moment is over!!

Strong again!


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boy sunshine, do i ever hear your pain!!! i get to talk to more than a fair share of jerks in my job. what i find helps, is, at the end of the call, slam the phone down as hard as i can, and yell FUCKIN' ASSHOLE (or something similar). i also like to turn it into enjoyment, i.e. allow myself to experience inward glee when i have to tell them something i know will make them mad, and laugh to myself in my head as they get really worked up. heehee! if you get to the breaking point where you can barely pull off any niceness to them whatsoever, what i usually do is say whatever i have to say in the seething tone i feel, BUT, do so with a huge and very conscious grin on my face. the smile makes what you're saying sound a bit nicer, as it takes the angry, sarcastic tone away. and good luck! even if you are a people person you tend to hate people after awhile if you have to deal with them all the time!

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Haha, my Slam Man is serving scarecrow duty in maxwebster's garden. Sunshine, if you know anyone in that area who's willing to throw 'im in the car next time they come to Ottawa, you can have him. He sure is punchable! :)

Hope things turn around for ya soon.

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the smile makes what you're saying sound a bit nicer, as it takes the angry, sarcastic tone away. and good luck! even if you are a people person you tend to hate people after awhile if you have to deal with them all the time!

I'll always remember the line from CSI - "smiling inhibits the gag reflex."

Like the bumper sticker says, Mean people suck. I find something delightful, though, in knowing that that insight can be shared with people who aren't mean.

Glad to know that you're on the other side of it, Sunshine. Do have a much, much better day.

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Haha, my Slam Man is serving scarecrow duty in maxwebster's garden. Sunshine, if you know anyone in that area who's willing to throw 'im in the car next time they come to Ottawa, you can have him. He sure is punchable! :)

Hope things turn around for ya soon.

we'll be in Wloo on the 16th, and returning to Ottawa probably a week after that. Sunshine, if you want 'im, get d-rawk to coordinate it and we'll deliver!

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