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Another reason to love animals...


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A woman nearly drowned off the coast of BC yesterday, when she fell from a boat and spent eight straight hours in freezing water without a lifejacket.

The woman, who was wearing pants and a fleece sweater, fell overboard at about 4:30 a.m. and was rescued around 12:30 p.m. She told doctors she was comforted by a seal that stayed close to her while she was treading water in the Strait of Georgia.

I really don't know if seals are actually related to dogs in any way, but they sure look like it. Let's hear it for the animal kingdom; which continues to be concerned about humans despite our horrific track record of how we treat animals (including baby seals)...

----Full article from cbc.ca can be found here----

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Wow thats an intense article..i couldn't imagine what was going through that poor womans head all those hours alone in the water..I dont know if i woulda been comforted by the seal around me though....Thats just one more mammal in the water attracking sharks and what not ;)

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