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Was that after you met "Goat"?


we met goat the nite before, and he put us in touch with the altoid girl as a "thank you" for driving his wook ass all over boston looking for drugs with his buddy Forest and their little 18 yr. old girlfriend who was pissed off that she had to miss the first few shows of the tour because she had just had a kid and "had to stay home with it for a bit".


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At the Big summer Classic I took the advice of that clever Kaidy Mae. I used my god given bodaciousness to stash (on the left) a pipe (on the right)some green goodness and a few pre-rolled. Beers might be asking too much, they are all natural after all.

God bless the cleavage (ask Bob from the bus ;) )


That "Goat" story makes me nauseous. Sweet Jesus! Hope you got my message dude. Sorry if I woke you. Tomorrow...it'll all come together.

****Damn, spelling is hard after 36 gins. ;)

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Ever had a 'yellow jacket' with his hands on your bare nuts?


remind me never to line up for a concert with you :)

i noticed in the later days of the GD that the "yellow jackets" all wore latex gloves as they came around to roust the stragglers out...was your guy at least gloved? that is assuming that actually happenned, which for your sake i really hope it didn't...

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