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Thinking about selling this guitar


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I did, and its a great guitar but it just doesn't suit me. For one it's a heavy thing and probably better suited to someone beefier than me. Secondly it's got a fat neck and although I'm no shredder I'm looking for a telecaster or stratocaster-sized neck in terms of playability.

I paid $625 from Lauzon, yes, less than a year ago. I'll consider any reasonable offers.

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The circle thingy is not on mine so no idea.

Tom September may be better than now, just had an impulse to get rid of it and buy a sweet used telecaster....or a pedal steel.

Actually I will trade this electric straight up for a pedal steel...no idea how much those cost but I'm dying for one.

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I gots the feeling you may be disappointed in how much pedal steel you can get for yer git. I suspect they're pretty hard to come by for cheap. Just my hunch.

In the mean time, I'll ask the old man if he knows of any kicking around in the valley - bluegrass used to be pretty huge out there...

I used to play a strat - you'll love a Fender!

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FYI you have a great guitar there with shit pickups. I have the exact same one, colour and all and everything I read said that if you either put some true Gibson or Seymour Duncan pickups in it it's the bomb. I've never been happy with mine either, and haven't gotten around to modding it up, but if someone were to score a good deal on this used and throw a few extra bones into the upgrade, I'm sure you'd be loving this guitar.

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Hmm Pete..I wonder if you're on to something. I'm far from an expert (and my experience is tainted by being in an apartment and NOT turning it up to 11) but I just haven't been able to find a good sound out of this here guitar. I know nothing about changing pickups though..level of difficulty?

More practically the weight of it is a bit distracting although that's an easy fix with a better strap than what I currently have.

What 2 dew, what 2 dew.

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