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They all suck. Except Sundin. Tucker has really stepped up this year, too bad about the injury, Domi was way over rated, Sundin, loved his hookers!; Raycroft, I hope you make the playoffs just so I can see how he handles the pressure, Peccccccccccccccca? When did he play for the Leafs?

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I'm stupid. I can't spell.
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Emery had a telephone hearing with Campbell prior to practice. Senators coach Bryan Murray wasn't happy with the decision by the league to have a hearing, because he said Emery had been run four times by the Habs.

"We, as coaches want our players to drive, the net. I don't think hitting our goaltender should be tolerated in our league," said Senators coach Bryan Murray. "I understand the league's position, but it has to be frustrating for a player when he's getting hit in the crease."

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"It seemed like there was a lot to start," said Emery, who had a history of fighting in the AHL. "The first half of the game, they were running into me and kicking my feet out. It's just frustrating when that stuff happens and isn't called all the time. It's frustrating because a couple of plays before I had said something to them about them crashing the net."
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I can't believe none of you have ever experienced that type of rage...When you are extremely pissed off, and things happen. I'm sure he didn't think when he did it, but he did it, go suspended and life goes on...3 games though...

should have been 5 and a game, maybe a one game suspension and that's it...

booche...I think Emery has matured quite a bit. You can tell just by the way he plays the game now. I think this was an isolated event and don't think it will happen again.

This is the real test for Gerber now.

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I think Emery has matured quite a bit.


I guess if you wear a Sens jersey you idiots think players can just swing their sticks around like its a weapon.

When you are extremely pissed off, and things happen.

While Emery's play wasnt as devastating, what about McSorley or Bertuzzi? I guess being pissed off is due merit in Dumbasses mind.

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boo hoo

You must of missed the part where I said I loved Emery's reaction, and the suspension is not so bad. It looks good on the Resume.

As far as the Visor argument, it sure is lucky Lapierre had a visor. Neil didn't have a visor, Abby could of taken his shot. Oh yeah, Bullion DID! And ended up with Neil on top. Dominance. Get used to it.

Booche has been mysteriously quiet.

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Oh there you are!

I missed you :).

Yeah, dumb, but once again, Ottawa was stepping away in the game, Montreal starts crashing the net, no calls, no calls, no calls, and Snap. That's what happens, and in no way was it premeditated like Bertuzzi, nor was it from behind out of the blue like McSorley, it was straight on, and Lapierre made the move to put himself in a comprimising position.

Moore and Brahear were both just skating around, in a game context, minding their own buisness.

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While Emery's play wasnt as devastating, what about McSorley or Bertuzzi? I guess being pissed off is due merit in Dumbasses mind.

and both those things were done in the heat of the moment...they weren't pre-meditated. I'm not condoning what these players have done, It's almost like getting off with murder because you're a psycho.

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Guest Low Roller

You just should consider yourselves lucky that Emery only hacked a 4th liner. Imagine how many games he would get if he cheapshotted someone like Crosby instead.

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Can I play? I fully support Emery, he did something rash, and got suspended. Why are all you taking shots at Will instead of Colin Campbell?

Take a look at the video in real time. There's now way that he is sitting in that crease thinking "hmmmm ... well, he does have a visor so this shouldn't hurt much or do damage ... time to get my backswing ready, and whamo chop chop.

Have you ever seen a goalie stop a slap shot? Their hand or leg doesn't just shoot out because it's attacted to the puck. It's a concious thing, goalies are quicker than most of you knobs, it's how they make their money. He probably had time to do his taxes, imagine and laugh at all the Leafs fans sucking off the Habs fans, and then smack that asshole in the face.


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