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Degrassi movie "School's Out" on Showcase last night


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My little brother was watching the new series ("the next generation") on tv the other night and the lead character Craig (played by Jake Epstein) played in a battle of the bands with his band. Though his character is completely unlike Joey Jerimiah (Joey is consequently his Godfather in the show) he has a band as well with some other Degrassi comrades...anyone know the name?

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"Who'll get laid first? Let the games begin!"


damn, I remember watching that epic episode as a kid when it first aired and nearly shat myself silly when Snake and Caitlin started mouthing off at Joey, UNCENSORED@!

I think I heard a rumor that in the New Degrassi generation, Joey's illigitimate child from the Tessa days shows up! Turns out Tessa never had the abortion!! WOWOWOWOWOW

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damn, I remember watching that epic episode as a kid when it first aired and nearly shat myself silly when Snake and Caitlin started mouthing off at Joey, UNCENSORED@!

The original airing of this episode was a watershed moment in Canadian TV history. It's amazing how many people my age +/- a few years can instantly rave about it. It has such a "I remember where I was" quality to it.

I am dying to upload my band's mini-cover of Everybody Wants Something right now. 'twill have to wait until I get home.

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Ohhhh Wheels - didn't he go and search for his long lost father in one episode? Wasn't his father touring the country in some bar band?

thats possibly my fave episode.

that pervery who infroms young Derek Wheeler that he has strong legs. and after dreaming of his dad'sa warm welcome with fantasies about joining the band he arrives and his dad basically sasy "what do you want?" i fucking love that shit. wasn't it a 2 parter?

wheels was such a fucker.

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