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Missing Summer Already


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I can't believe that Fall is here, the cold nights, and it is dark by 8:00pm. I am missing the summer already (sorry, I am feeling a little down today)...it is a good thing that tonnes of great music is comming to town...

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Quit being putzes.

What is there to miss about 36 degree, sweltering hot weather that causes you to sweat simply because you're alive? About sweating through the night and waking up every twenty minutes to try to cool yourself off? About constant smog alerts, and the feeling that you're swimming through the air?

You ding-dongs make it sound like we're in the dead of winter with the wind howling and the mercury sitting at thirty below. It's September, fer crissakes. Yesterday was beautiful. Autumn is easily the most comfortable season we have in Southern Ontario - less stifling than summer, less harsh than winter, and less wet than spring. What more do you want?

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I know Fall is kick-ass....

For me it is more about the summer care-free attitude that goes once the season changes. Trust me, I hate the smog and being dripping wet with sweat. I just had a little case of the summer-time blues yesterday.

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