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2005 / 2006 Hockey League


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Guest Low Roller

Doug, PheasantPlucker, Davey Boy:

You guys should really look into trading some players... you both have players that are out due to injuries for a pretty long time.

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Guest Low Roller

When trading players you must be within 10 points in order for the player to qualify... is that 10 actual points or 10 pool points?

i.e. St. Louis has 13 points, but 15 pool points...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would just like to say for the record, that I know my team is absolutely horrendous, I picked a lot of guys who are not performing worth a fuck, but I am not trying for last. I stayed on top of the injuries and traded right away, but even my two injury picks turned into losers as soon as I picked them. The biggest disappointment (and I haven't heard anybody write or talk about this in any pool columns) has been Milan Hejduk. What a chump. This is the first pool I have ever been in, and I am actually leading the sportsnet pool that I am in (10 people total-weekly picks). I would also like to say, for the record, Booche, go fuck yourself. Actually, no, you'll be mailing me a disc for last place in our division. Booche, have a nice day.

Its still early though! My boys could get hot!

But probably not.

(Wanna hear the worst-I could have had Jagr in the fourth round instead of Shane Doan. Nobody else even picked Shane Doan. Oh well, you can take my dignity, but you can't take my crack pipe.)

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