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Does Air Transat still fly within Canada


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I'm trying to book a flight, and I thought I'd check out Air Transat. I used to fly with them a long time ago.

They seem to still have flights leaving from Canadian points, including Vancouver, but they don't seem to offer landing anywhere in Canada (unless you start somewhere outside of Canada).

Does anyone know if Air Transat now only flies internationally, and no longer does trips within Canada (specifically Vancouver to Toronto).

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I have never heard of them flying within Canada lately... I don't think they can since they're a charter... But I've been wrong once before.

(I hate Transat. Flew to Paris with them, most uncomfortable 5 hours of my life. At least we didn't make a pitstop in the Azores though.)


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I didn't even know that's where you worked.

Now that I know ... pretty unimpressed with your lack of info. ;)

i work there too ,next desk for information and that was all bull he flew all the time hmhmhmhmhm

i think he meant he flew inside, no wait you can,t fly inside you have to sit

the plane flies

answer right

where is mr mouse to answer my question?

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