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halloween in boO-town?

Im going home Donny

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I'll be at Ween...in Las Vegas...with Stapes (and others)...if that isn't scary enough to radiate scariness back to Ottawa, I don't know what would be...

Edit to add: I'm still looking for costume suggestions. Anybody have any ideas?



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That's the thing: I have no sense of design, no flair, for such things. I'm kinda plain, actually, and generally wear the same thing, day in, day out, with very little in the way of adornment (and very much in the way of functionality).

I'm leaving for Vegas on Saturday :), so I'll have all of next week to hunt around for something to rent. So far, I'm thinking powerfullypurplepimp (assuming I can get a magic stick...), or maybe a Big Suit. Other than that, I'm drawying a blank.

If it helps, I'm about 6' 2" tall, have longish brown hair, a scruffy beard, and wear glasses. (If I weighed more, could frizz my hair out, and ate a whole lot of mind-altering substances, I figure I could pass for Jerry Garcia...)



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Here's a few ideas..

You could go as a hunter. Idea from scruffy beard. Find a camo hat, get a plaid jacket, wear jeans and a pair of work boots. If you wanted to be really autentic you could get a few stuffed ducks and tie them on a string from your but so it looks like you shot them. A fake shot gun would add to the costume.

Another idea is always Jesus. Long white dress/robe. If you wanted to get really grusome you could find a few peices of vine and wear it on your head with fake blood pouring down your face. You could also figure out hwo to attach a nail head to your wrist with more fake blood.

You could also go as Duane Allman. Shave the middle of your beard. Find some nice bell bottoms and a paisley print dress shirt and wear cowboy boots.

I have tons more but I don't want to jam up this thread with costume ideas. Hope this helped.

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