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Neil Live in Dublin


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Cool!! Thanks.

This show actually happened the same day that I opened Scott Young's pool out in Omemee a few weeks ago.. The house Neil grew up in from ages 1-15!!!!

I left a copy of Kev's Cuts Vol. #14 for Neil with a nice little note in it. [smile]

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wow, thats awesome kev...

i have read his book on neil over and over again....(before i had to give it back to tooly)

everyone talks about shakey, and its a great read, but if you love to hear about the true neil, not the crappy dirt, check out Scott Youngs book on Neil.

After all, Scott was also an award winning sports writer....he really knows what he's writin'...

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Yup, for sure. My boss (a great old man named Ivan) is good friends with Scott Young, and I've been hearing all sorts of 2nd hand Neil Young encounter stories, its pretty awesome!! Alot of people in Peterborough have Neil Young stories to tell, as PBro was the biggest town closest to Omemee.

Scott Young's place in Omemee is waaay out in the sticks, way down these isolated country roads. There's a long winding driveway and then you get to the top and theres a beautiful panoramic view of the surrounding countryside hills, very inspiring!! The house itself is pretty small, modest, and sort of run down. No signs of stardom here! But its the house that Neil grew up in.

In "Neil & Me", Scott writes about how one time Neil came home right around the time when "Old Man" was a hit. They went for a hike in the backwoods trails, then just the two of 'em were standind by the pool and Neil breaks the unfortunate news to his Dad that "Old Man" is in fact not about his Dad. Poor Scott.. Anyhoo, I opened that pool!!!![big Grin]

We were in the basement getting out the pool gear and stuff, but not too many sure signs of Neil. But there were stuff like old fishing nets on the wall, and I assured myself that yes indeed Neil Young used them there nets back in the day! hehe. There were also about 10 blank tapes labellled with all Neil studio release albums. Who knows who wrote on 'em, either Neil or his Dad I guess.

We brought out our copy of Neil & Me to get signed but no one was home. I left a note for Scott, and then KC#14 for Neil with the note inside. Apparently Scott is pretty good with getting gifts to his son which is good news. At the end of the note I left my Pbro address. Got my fingers crossed for a backstage pass in the mail!

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