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my thoughts on trey's band.

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if i can discribe it using only one word... STRANGE.

its just strange. They aren't a good contemporary act with solid song writing. They aren't a good psychedelic rock band that can take your mind places. Their music isn't fun to dance to. You can't really rock out to it either. The band is just THERE.....and its weird.

Don't get me wrong, they are fairly solid in the jam aspect of things, and Shine is actually a decent song. However, they are the furthest thing from being electrifying or eciting and those two aspects is what Trey is all about. He was the most electrfying man in sports entertainment.

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I've never been a Trey solo listener, so I'm not a basher either.

If he had no history with Phish, and was coming out of nowhere with a new album and no history or prior fanbase, I doubt there'd be much response for or against his music. Because he's expected to put out good music, putting out a song like shine is disappointing. It's more goo goo dolls than anything.

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I was luke-warm on it last night until the 46 Days, which I thought was rippin'. It's new stuff (well, not 46 Days, but the band and material in general), and it might be stuff that wouldn't have a home in "the scene" were it not for Trey's history, but I saw some real promise in that material last night. Above all I think he should get some props for walking away from a consistently adored, well-paying gig and taking his music in a different direction.

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The bottom line is that this band is no where near the calibre of a band that DESERVES to play the types of shows he's playing.

I'd give him props on taking a new direction if he had the tact to keep it away from venues like Red Rocks which he only fills due to his Phish past.

A band needs to be cultivated, grow and then branch out. Phish didn't just start out playing Madison Square Garden, they earned their way there by making mistakes in smaller venues and creating a true buzz.

I'm not saying he is a person who isn't capable of throwing a project together that could bypass the small club circuit. TAB was this type of band. They were solid at Bonnaroo and definitely deserved to be there on the main stage. This 70 Volt sloppy ear penetration is not that band and rarely comes close.

Get them off the big kid circuit until they're ready for it I say and if Trey took a step back from his ambition (which is fine in my eyes) he might realize this too, and try a little patience wahhh ooooh a little patience sometiii ii iii ii ime.

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