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Avian Flu in Florida...


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let's say you have a few kids, none are vaccinated. a friend of yours has just had a baby, so you are going over to her place to see the little one. there will be a few other mothers there, some with babies under 3 months old (and therefore not vaccinated yet).

you decide you want to bring a fruit basket for the new parents, so you stop at the farmers' market to pick up some produce. unbeknownst to you, while at the market, you've come in contact with some amish children visiting from pennsylvania. they live in a community that has been experiencing breakouts of scarlet fever. they just arrived to hamilton that afternoon.

when you are leaving the market, a mother pushing a stroller stops you to coment on how beautiful your babies are. your toddler leans into the stroller & and gives this mother's 2 month old baby a kiss. you cordially say goodbye to this stranger and are on your way.

you visit your friend, meet her beautiful new baby, exchange stories with some of the other mothers there and introduce your own children to theirs. you friend loves the fruit basket. all the mothers are delighted at how sweet your kids are and how gentle & interested they are in the babies.

your youngest is up all that night crying. the next morning, your other children are listless and ill. the doctor confirms the bad news. your kids have scarlet fever. within a week, you've lost all your children, you friend's new baby is gone, as are the other children visiting when you were there. the mother you ran into at the market is hysterically mourning the loss of her baby as well. not vaccinating your children has not only killed them, but a number of other children as well.

and THAT'S not irresponsible????????????????

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My aunt had the German Measles when she was pregnant with my cousin. Her baby was completely def when she was born, she had brain damage and now suffers from schizophrenia.

My other aunt had the same thing happen to her resulting with her son born without the roof of his mouth. He spent the first 5 years of his life in and out of the hospital, undergoing major surgery.

Seriously, does this sound better then a simple shot with a small risk of fever?

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According to Health Canada - the preservative that contained trace amounts of mercury are not used in childrens vaccines - only flu shots - the main media hype causing concern right now with mercury is that it is suspected (NOT proven) to contribute to neurological disorders including autism. Anyway just thought I would share this info since the main topic now included childrens vaccines...

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thanks for pointing that out living stoned, it does seem like the topic has migrated thoroughly sideways. we arent talking about childrens vaccines here, we are talking about FLU VACCINATIONS!!! which DO contain mercury, which is all i was saying. im not saying that not vaccinating your kids for the scarlet fever and all that other shit isnt a good idea, to each their own.

and THATS not irresponsible?????

sorry, i didnt realize we were talking about fever needles, the thread is called avian flu.

seriously, does this sound better than a simple needle?

see above comment

we are talking about the fucking flu needle here gals, lets try to stay on topic eh?

[back to vaccines...yes, I do think people should have the choice whether or not to vaccinate. No, I do not think it is selfish if they don't. Yes, I think they should do their research on which ones are the safest and which ones contain things like mercury and decide from there.

I will not vaccinate myself or my future children with known neuro toxins. That is not selfish. That is looking out for the well-being and health of my children. The diseases that come from neuro toxiciy are often much worse to have/get than what you are vaccinating against.

If, when I have children, the vaccines do not have these toxins in them, then I will do more research and reconsider. I know that some of them already do not have these in them now and therefore I would consider having them done. But as for the others... Hell no.

i dont see why ANYONE would vaccinate their kids with known neuro-toxins in the shots, THATS irresponsible!!! setting your kids up for autism or MS or the endless list of bad shit that goes on when you introduce neurotoxins into your body, or your childs body. like i said before, to each their own, you wanna give your kids shots full of chemicals? BE MY GUEST! but dont bring them around my kids! whats that? dont like the sound of that do ya? neither do I. and thats what you just told us all, if we dont get our kids stuck with needles, we arent allowed to bring em near you. hey fine by me pally

i'll be having my kids jabbed with needles whenever i can.

quote of the week! fuck quote of the month man!!

now THATS good parenting

id rather have a little mercury than polio!!

pretty sure that mercury is mostly in flu shots, but hey, whatever, ignorance is bliss

quoting health canada is a nice touch i must add

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let's say you have a few kids, none are vaccinated. a friend of yours has just had a baby, so you are going over to her place to see the little one. there will be a few other mothers there, some with babies under 3 months old (and therefore not vaccinated yet).

you decide you want to bring a fruit basket for the new parents, so you stop at the farmers' market to pick up some produce. unbeknownst to you, while at the market, you've come in contact with some amish children visiting from pennsylvania. they live in a community that has been experiencing breakouts of scarlet fever. they just arrived to hamilton that afternoon.

when you are leaving the market, a mother pushing a stroller stops you to coment on how beautiful your babies are. your toddler leans into the stroller & and gives this mother's 2 month old baby a kiss. you cordially say goodbye to this stranger and are on your way.

you visit your friend, meet her beautiful new baby, exchange stories with some of the other mothers there and introduce your own children to theirs. you friend loves the fruit basket. all the mothers are delighted at how sweet your kids are and how gentle & interested they are in the babies.

your youngest is up all that night crying. the next morning, your other children are listless and ill. the doctor confirms the bad news. your kids have scarlet fever. within a week, you've lost all your children, you friend's new baby is gone, as are the other children visiting when you were there. the mother you ran into at the market is hysterically mourning the loss of her baby as well. not vaccinating your children has not only killed them, but a number of other children as well.

and THAT'S not irresponsible????????????????

come on dude? are you listening to yourself? what are the odds of a diseased amish family from PA travelling to shitty hamilton?

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tooly, chill out. ;):D

topics of conversation have a tendency to evolve into other subjects. the GENERAL vaccinating of children was brought up very early on, with this comment:

My old professor from wild rose college (one of the leading herbalists in North america...blah blah blah..insert credentials) did not vaccinate any of his children. Some of them are my age or older and are healthier than the majority of the population. In fact, I know quite a few people who have not vaccinated their children due to the uncertainty of the possible side effects of the ingredients in vaccines.

and really, considering this started out as a JOKE thread, YOU were the first person to take it "off topic".... i do believe your initial mercury rant was talking about the regular flu vaccine, not avian flu? :)

:D considering that you live in/around HAMILTON, ONTARIO, it is really quite ironic that you are freaking about toxins. ;) i read somewhere that the people that live around lake ontario have the highest concentration of thyroid problems per capita than anywhere in the world.

what are the odds of a diseased amish family from PA travelling to shitty hamilton?

[color:purple]would you rather i said a family from a non-vaccinating freaky deaky hippie commune travelling to hamilton? i used the amish example because there was a widely reported outbreak of german measles this year in a pennsylvanian amish community. in fact, there is an outbreak of polio in southwestern ontario happening RIGHT NOW, but they are not releasing the name of the community. in any case, you are right, the risk of contracting these diseases is currrently very small, and do you know why? BECAUSE ALMOST EVERYONE HAS THE VACCINES AGAINST THESE DISEASES!!!!!!!

it is selfish not to vaccinate your kids because you are leaving the responsibility of keeping these diseases from spreading on the shoulders of everyone who DOES vaccinate them. and it is irresponsible not to vaccinate them because that decision can make them or OTHER PEOPLE sick. way sicker than a reaction to the vaccine (which by the way, would not make anyone sick but the person who is having the reaction).

i guess we can agree to disagree on this.

and p.s. lazlo's posted WAY more quote worthy material in this thread than i have.

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haha..funny food fight! I think I got some rotting stuff too!

But seriously, I think we should agree to disagree. I mean, I could spend a whole shit load of time finding the info to back up what I am saying as well as you could for the other side...i don't have that kind of time. Either way it comes down to opinion. I will probably vaccinate my kids with the regular vaccines (polio, mumps etc.) because they no longer contain mercury. But as for the flu shot I will not. If my kid gets the flu, there are really good ways to treat it in my knowledge, and I will use them.

As for all the vaccines that they want to come out with for everything under the damn sun, I will research them first and decide from there. I still say that I am not selfish but that my way of protecting my future child is different than yours.

p.s. living around hamilton, BELIEVE ME, is not by choice right now. If I/we could leave, be sure as hell we would get far far away from here and that is in the plans.

p.s.s. Health Canada and big pharma 'sleep together' (another different topic completely) I dont' take everything they say at face value.

p.s.s.s. careful not to get all wound up by the scare tactics of the media. If you are worried about health, than take better care of yourself (not to say you don't). Prevention via nutrition and herbs and vitamins and de-stressing is really your best fight against any pandemic.

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