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RIP Eddie Guerrero


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Just read this on one of the wrestling boards I still frequent. No real details at the moment. Very sad news.

Eddie Guerrero was found dead in his hotel room in Minneapolis this morning at the age of 38.

The only details available is that Guerrero came in yesterday for tonight's scheduled television tapings at the Target Center where he was scheduled in the main event. He was staying at the Marriott City Center hotel in downtown Minneapolis.

He had an early wake-up call shortly after 7 a.m. that he didn't answer. Chavo Guerrero, who he was traveling with, called the room and again got no answer. When knocks on his hotel room door went unanswered, security got the door open and Eddie was found dead in the bathroom.

Many have noted the coincidence both of Guerrero passing away in a hotel room, similar to Brian Pillman, in 1997, in nearby Bloomington.

Guerrero was one of the best wrestlers of this generation and immensely popular within the industry.

Eddie Guerrero passes away

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Oh, that's sad. I go in and out of pro-wrestling phases, and it's been awhile since I've been following WWE, but Eddie was awesome and had been through a lot to turn his life around.

Sounds like maybe his addictions caught back up with him.


Many have noted the coincidence both of Guerrero passing away in a hotel room

This part strikes me as tragically odd. They spend their lives on the road -- statistically for him to die anywhere else would have practically been a miracle.

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sad news when anyone passes before their time but...how can grown men still watch wrestling????


- hot men in tights

- hot women in tights

- acrobatics

- backroom politics

- the development of backroom politics to an on-screen product

Remind me what isn't to like?

The real soap opera is what happens off the camera and out of character.

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