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NYE - I need some advice


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Thats awesome - are they canuckers? I'd love to get in touch - I have no idea what to expect.. ie. Hotlanta NYE and tix etc. etc.

I'm on a serious kick.

Esau - you going to Kitchener Friday by chance? If you are I'll burn some good Panic for you - I think you'll like it. I don't see how any dead lovin tatooed freak couldn't (and thats a compliment). I mean, the shit is downright nasty rock'n'roll ripe with Neil and the Band and the Dead influences...

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Yep, Canadian.

I'll know tomorrow afternoon if I'll be in attendence at the Lanc, it's all going depend on if I get Lanois tickets or not, since its the same night.

To be honest, I've only heard a little WSP and did like what I heard, guess its time to give em another go.

I'll be sure to let ya know tomorrow asap. Be good to have a few beers with ya again, been awhile.

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