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who is this lazlo fuÇker?

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Long, long ago; in a galaxy far, far away there once existed a small planet. It wasn't really a true "planet"; more of a large piece of dung expelled by a giant space creature long ago.

The planet was called Lazlove.

Over time, the fact that this planet was made entirely of feces began to become a problem. It wasn't a particularly stable mass, and eventually it began to deteriorate.

Over a few millennia, the planet disintegrated to the point that it essentially exploded into tiny fragments of feces; more of a vapour actually.

This vapour travelled through the universe for many millions of years. It was like a large cloud of feces; somewhat like a giant inter-galactic fart. After so many millions of years, that cloud was moved by many inter-stellar forces, that somehow caused it to surround the Earth. Eventually, the cloud began to consolidate and become solid again, and that caused a change in it's gravitational pull. This, in turn, caused the solid "cloud" to crash into Antarctica.

Out of the wreckage of that pile of inter-galactic fart-cloud born of feces came a new creature; unknown to the universe before.

We call that creature "Lazlo".

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