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Q's of the Day 11-28-05 (chronic edition)


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So I am what people refer to as a chronic user of the herb and after last weeks weed and driving debate it's got me thinking about what it is I love about the weed.

For me it is a great alternative to conventional treatments of chronic pain, but it is more than that. I was a chronic many years before I got injured.

I have taken extended breaks from the herb just to see what it was like and really it was fine. Didn't have a problem with it at all but at the same time didn't really notice any great benifit either.

Smoking (or eating) herb makes me feel very connected to everything and brings about a sense of calm happiness.

So, after much blah, blah, blah I pose the question of the day.

What is that you like (or liked) about the herb? or what is it that you don't like about it? Do you use daily or once in a while?

follow up question: do you think that the things you like about it can be achived without it.

(refering to the idea that everything exist within yourself)

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Helps me forget :) Helps me to focus on the Abstract... like a composition in a song (Roy Ayers right now :) :) ). Helps me enjoy the little things. Enhances the senses. Never having trouble getting a good nights sleep.

What I don't like: Coughing. Being a criminal in the eyes of the law, and having to deal with people not down with smoking, like people in my family.

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i like how it helps me sleep, and stops the weird dreams of madness that keep me up every night, i dont like coughing, i LOOVEE the taste of some fine herb, IE: sour deisel, i dont like how i have to hide it, i like how it changes my thoughts, like some days ill have a problem, and ill think of a few solutions, then smoke, and think of a few more, and usually one of the smokey answers work

i like how it brings a group of strangers together

i like the pothead sense of humour

i dont like paying for joy

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