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URGENT: Canadian politics needs your help!!


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Hey All,


Sign this petition to include the green party in the 4

nationally televised debates.

By no means am I a strong supporter of the green party

but that doesn't mean I wouldn't consider them. My

problem is that nobody will openly critique there

platform because all other parties want to downplay

their size and seriousness by ignoring their

existence. Yes they do not have a seat in parliament

yet but they did have 5 % of the vote. To me that

justifies, at the very least, a chance to be heard.



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Yup, done.

The last dozen years we'd been living in an area that was solidly NDP, so there was never really much choice involved, but where we are now, everyone is so solidly Conservative (don't get me started) that a vote for the Greens actually means something (such as it is). I'll be very glad to make my x when the day comes.

I really, really hope they get their day in media court to get their point(s) across, cuz Lord knows the electorate needs to hear it.

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Before ya'll vote Green, remember to do your homework on them. It's my understand that they are a very Right thinking group, that has adopted a "Green" stance to try and pull in a lot of the Environmental sympathetics that may otherwise be voting more Left...

Just some food for thought.

This is why they should be included in the debate. We need more people critiqueing their platform. If they are right leaning then Mr. Layton will make sure that it's loud and clear. From going through their website I haven't gotten the opinion that they are right leaning but you could be correct I haven't taken an extensive look yet.

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They have sort of a unique blend, which would make them a refreshing part of the debates. But also, as you mentioned, it is important that people understand what they are voting for and a lot of people have a very different idea about the Greens than what the Green Party of Canada actually represents.

Present party leader Jim Harris, who is a motivational speaker and corporate advisor - and former member of the Progressive Conservative party - shares a lot of right wing ideology with the free-market conservatives.

Here's one example of the dissent from within the Green camp about the direction that party has taken:

Greens Have Abandoned Their Second Pillar: Conservative economics are at odds with true environmentalism.

Hypocrisy would seem to be the order of the day for Jim Harris, the leader of a Canadian Green party whose corporate ties are in conflict with a global Green movement, whose roots extend deep into the global anti-corporate movement. A right-wing agenda that mixes corporate business with green politics — is this what Canadians, and most members of Green Party Canada, are looking for in a leader of an alternative national political party?

It might be. But I have a feeling that many of those voting Green don't realize that this is the direction that the party has moved in under Harris' stewardship.

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