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Home Efficiency Test


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For all you homeowning skanks out there, has anyone ever had this done in their house? Someone comes into your home and does all these tests to see how efficient your house is, where you are losing heat etc.

If you have, how would you rate it? Useful? Semi-useful? Waste of money?

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i have not had it done myself, but i think it's very useful and would definitely recommend it.

you'll find out how many air changes per hour happen in your house and whether you need to do air sealing or ventilate more. the blower test will show where the cracks and leaks are that you are losing heat from.

some of the recommendations might be pretty obvious (like replace your water heater or windows or add insulation) but they will give you ideas on how to upgrade without totally re-doing everything.

if you don't want to do the test but find you are losing heat, i'd suggest some weatherstripping around doors and windows and an insulating blanket for your hot water heater...little things like that.


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Today when i got the gas bill from Enbridge, it had the following statement on it:

"Your year to date gas consumption has increased by 14% compared to last year. Temperatures have been 9% warmer."

Makes no sense to me. Same house...same number of people. Maybe something like this test would help figure it out.

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