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I've been thinking ...

Rob Not Bob

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I know, I know, "there's a first time for everything..." [smile]

Seriously, I was at the Solstice Party held by my friend Cheryl out in Richmond and utterly fell in love with the site. I will in all likelihood be having the Post-Pagan Picnic Party for musicians there. I was wondering if there would be any interest in next year having an Ottawa Jam Bands Jamboree or Free Festival? There is already a stage set up with a nice big area for people to sit and watch, it is far enough out that there wouldn't be a problem with the police taking an interest or anyone complaining about the sound, lots of room for parking, lots of room for camping. I'm not thinking of anything too big, I'm not trying to recreate woodstock or anything, just a nice little gathering for Ottawa musicians and fans to have a party, listen and play all day and night, camp out and have a good time. I've spoken with Cheryl, the owner of the land, and she thinks it is a great idea. Let me know if anyone is interested in this, if there is sufficient interest I will do some more thinking and try to gather folks together, if not I won't take it any furthur.


Rob Not Bob

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One thing that would be essential, I think, is a good PA and an experienced sound person*. I can handle a small number of musicians and simple things like vocal mics, but when you start putting in guitar amps, bass rigs, keys, and drums, it can get hairy, and require a lot of microphones (of various types) and cables. For a festival like this, you're close to approaching CTMF, and, I think, would need someone approaching Tungsten's or show--whore's skills. Being able to put the soundboard under a shelter (ideally completely closable) would also be needed, I think, for protection from the weather.



* No disrespect to what/who you have already is intended; I'm not sure what you've got, this is just my opinion.

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Actually, I don't have anything done for this except the 3 things : 1) the idea, 2) the site, and 3) the site owner's approval and enthusiasm. I am just starting by asking if anyone would be interested in this happening ... it sounds like at least a few people are interested. I'm not thinking of an especially big event because I don't know if the land can hold that many people, I think it would be ideal for a big party. If anyone wants to start an organizing committee and figure out what exactly we want this thing to be, feel free to contact me and we will get the ball rolling. I wasn't thinking of this taking place before next year, so plenty of time [smile] Hopefully we can get some folks smarter than I am to check out the site some time soon ... that way we know what we are working with.

Thanks for the interest,

Rob Not Bob

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I think the stage looks great. This could be one of those easy-to-throw-together events that the only real organized things are a stage with a sound system, and a couple of porta-potties that money could be collected for.

Hell, it doesn't even have to be next year, it could be as easy as a party at 40 Main St. [Wink]

There's at least one Pottie there eh?

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Here's the thing ... we wouldn't be able to use the site for any event this summer because it is booked until the end of the Summer. The one weekend we have it reserved for is the Pagan Picnic After-Party on Sept. 13. (The owner has already booked porta-potties for that event.) Maybe we could consider that a dry run for a possible event next year [smile] That weekend would be a great chance for folks to meet Cheryl, the owner of the land ... she is a really cool and wonderful person and a great supporter of music.


Rob Not Bob

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