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Ok Go


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I caught this Chicago quartet at the Underground last night, friends of mine opened the show. I had seen them in Toronto a few years ago when their first record came out and remember it being a good show, but last night they were considerably better. Yeah, it's pop music, but they write great songs, they can rock it pretty hard, and I heard shades of British stadium rock a la The Who.

In any event, click here to see their hilarious new video, which involves the four of them doing an entire choreographed dance in their backyard. For the encore of the show, they cleared the stage, played the tune through the PA, and did the dance. Real nice chaps too.

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Actually, I think it's a really cool routine. The choreography is really good (consider how the transitions from all four of them doing four-person group moves to the singer doing solo moves with the other three doing three-person group moves follows the transitions from verses to choruses), and the guys execute the moves really well. (Consider how tough it'd be to memorize all the moves, and be able to do them in sync with the other band members.)



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gaddamn that video made me miss vixen & sweetmarie.... we even have some of the same moves! :D

bradm is correct, in that it is an exemplary piece of choreography. many of the best choreographic tools are apparent -- whoever put this together has extensive dance experience.

i love how they took it so seriously throughout. OK Go indeed!

i have to wait until after work to hear the music, but after seeing that i am definitely looking to it.

Yeah, it's pop music, but...

but? but what? you don't need to qualify that with a but, pop music freaking rules! pffft, pop music is way better than that jamband crap. ;)


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