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wats goin on in TO tonight!!


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Yeh, I was gonna mention the Bowie band. The were promoting that pretty heavily at Healey's last couple of times I was there.

The great R&B band Downstroke are at the Bier Markt apparently - hah, I didn't even know they had bands there! Air conditioned also, and I assume there'd be no cover of that.

And there's the openning of the Streetfest: http://www.toronto.ca/special_events/streetfest/streetfest_open.htm which I might go to for a bit.


Mr. M.

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Not much, as far as I know.

There's a Ganja cruise on the Mariposa, leaves harbour at 7PM - don't know if there are still tix or not.

Healey's is kind of dungeon-like, but friendly... it might be nice in this heat.

I'll be doing laundry, and mixing travellers and such for tomorrow's Streetfest action! Hope you all have a good one;


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Ended up at the Streetfest opener, some fun stuff. Big Sugar acoustic was neat actually, they only did 3 songs but it was a nice old-school sound with just Kelly Hoppe on harp and Gordie on guitar (switched to banjo for "Ride Like Hell") and foot stomping. Also, this has been talked about preivously here but I just want to say once again how COMPLETELY AWESOME Sarah Slean is!!! Also cool were these guys on poles (you had to see it!) and the crazy pryro dances (had to see that too!)

- M.

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