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GAME 1 Sens vs. Sabres Friday night: who wants to go?

Freak By Night

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What a deal... I'd grab that if I wasn't in Toronto and working Saturday during the game. I tried to get tickets for Buffalo, but they were all sold out...

Dude... the game is on Friday....


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YOU JUST GOT THAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For Christ's sake Badams. You are one of the luckiest sons of a bitch I have ever met. Once there is a parlay, it doesnt stop for you.

You and the Wackamole should go to Vegas. Let me know when it is going to happen. I am going to ride your Craps ass like there is no tomorrow.

Anyways, great story from the Sabres message board via PT:

It's a beautiful evening here in Southern Ont. and because a Canadian is a lot like a Buffalonian in that we know how to take advantage of good weather, the family went for a nice stroll through the neighbourhood tonight.

Here's where the story takes a Sabre angle.

Walking down the sidewalk I see something waving in the distance and turn to my wife "Is that a Senators flag on that car".

"Yep" she says as we get closer.

As we come upon the house in question I see that the garage door is up and just as if fate has intervened a man exits the garage walking toward the curb and is taking out the trash.

I can't resist, cause its the playoffs you know, and before I can think of a line for him it just rolls of my tongue as if a '96 Matthew Barnaby fed it to me himself.

"Hey buddy" to get his attention "May as well throw that flag in the garbage too" I say.

Before coming to grips that I said it, because I'm really a mild manoured nice guy he laughs first and then says "You a Sabres fan?". "Yes sir" I say.

"You guys don't stand a chance" he replies.

Then it takes a really weird turn, my wife spots one of our neighbours walking the dog and starts up a conversation.

The next thing I know I'm talking to this nice gentlemen about TB, Philly, Chara, Connolley, our hatred for the Leafs and it goes on and on.

About 10-15 mins into the conversation he says "Excuse me for 1 second", walks into his very clean garage and are you sitting down? The GUY exits the garage with 2 beers and offers me one. I'm @$%$% SHOCKED! I accept only cause he already twisted the cap off of it.

The conversation started about 6:15 and ended at 7:00.

Then he tells me that on really nice evenings he drags a plasma into the garage and sets up lawn chairs for anyone who wants to watch the game. "Feel free to stop by and watch", he says.

I tell him "I'll drive by and if the Sabres are winning , I'll honk the horn"

He then says "C'mon stop by, this is gonna be a great series"

So I've decided I'm not trash talking for this series. This experience just changed me, and I'm a kinder, gentler Sabrefan tonight.

Before we left though i turned to him one last time and said "Sabres in 6"

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YOU JUST GOT THAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For Christ's sake Badams. You are one of the luckiest sons of a bitch I have ever met. Once there is a parlay, it doesnt stop for you.

You and the Wackamole should go to Vegas. Let me know when it is going to happen. I am going to ride your Craps ass like there is no tomorrow.

Anyways, great story from the Sabres message board via PT:

It's a beautiful evening here in Southern Ont. and because a Canadian is a lot like a Buffalonian in that we know how to take advantage of good weather, the family went for a nice stroll through the neighbourhood tonight.

Here's where the story takes a Sabre angle.

Walking down the sidewalk I see something waving in the distance and turn to my wife "Is that a Senators flag on that car".

"Yep" she says as we get closer.

As we come upon the house in question I see that the garage door is up and just as if fate has intervened a man exits the garage walking toward the curb and is taking out the trash.

I can't resist, cause its the playoffs you know, and before I can think of a line for him it just rolls of my tongue as if a '96 Matthew Barnaby fed it to me himself.

"Hey buddy" to get his attention "May as well throw that flag in the garbage too" I say.

Before coming to grips that I said it, because I'm really a mild manoured nice guy he laughs first and then says "You a Sabres fan?". "Yes sir" I say.

"You guys don't stand a chance" he replies.

Then it takes a really weird turn, my wife spots one of our neighbours walking the dog and starts up a conversation.

The next thing I know I'm talking to this nice gentlemen about TB, Philly, Chara, Connolley, our hatred for the Leafs and it goes on and on.

About 10-15 mins into the conversation he says "Excuse me for 1 second", walks into his very clean garage and are you sitting down? The GUY exits the garage with 2 beers and offers me one. I'm @$%$% SHOCKED! I accept only cause he already twisted the cap off of it.

The conversation started about 6:15 and ended at 7:00.

Then he tells me that on really nice evenings he drags a plasma into the garage and sets up lawn chairs for anyone who wants to watch the game. "Feel free to stop by and watch", he says.

I tell him "I'll drive by and if the Sabres are winning , I'll honk the horn"

He then says "C'mon stop by, this is gonna be a great series"

So I've decided I'm not trash talking for this series. This experience just changed me, and I'm a kinder, gentler Sabrefan tonight.

Before we left though i turned to him one last time and said "Sabres in 6"

Now we are taking a Limo. I love this job already :)

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