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free pet to get rid of


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is there anyone out there that would like a rabbit as a pet? i have one i need to get rid of as soon as possible. it's a male, it's white, it's a dwarf and litter trained. he's a cool rabbit. i just don't want a rabbit. it was left with me from my ex so if anyone needs a pet let me know. thanks.


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Is he neutered? Is he a "true" dwarf? CJ's making sounds about breeding our dwarf bunny, though I really don't know how far down the road that one's going to go (:P).

I have to say, I never thought I'd warm to a dwarf bunny, but I have to say, ours is pretty cool - no dummy, for sure.

CJ suggests you hold said bunny up to the monitor to see if he gets his mojo going to this -


(She's a little young there, so be aware of any pertinent bunny-related laws in your jurisdiction.)

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Ricky....I totally wanna hook your bunny up with my girl! If he's still got all his plumbing intact, we'd love to have him. And don't worry, he'll still have a loving home once his stud-mission is complete!


Edit to add: I really don't encourage breeding, and especially not for profit, but we have had so many people ask us for a baby bunny from Twitchie due to her incredibly sweet and intelligent nature. That being said, I've heard bunnies can have up to 9 in a litter, so there will surely be some un-spoken for if any skanks are interested!

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In my opinion I really don't think this thread(or this forum for that matter ) is the place for your 'outbursts'. Frankly it's quite embarassing for all of the people who are part of this forum to put up with your adolescent behavior. Please stick to the topic of the thread.Thanks.

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I can honestly say I'm interested in the bunny... does it come with all the shit it might need? Cage.. I have no idea how to care for a bunny but I'm sure it can't be that hard.

This IS a serious post though... I'd really love to have this little guy (and not for dinner a la instagator).

PM me if you still need a home for this little fella.

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newrider can have it.

Why would you give a rabbit to a guy that can't even take care of himself? In his eyes it's just another toy that doesn't need batteries but you can be sure he'll try to put batteries in it. I give it a week before he forgets about it and it starves or he sits on it.

I'd rather give a retard a loaded gun.

Do the right thing Ricky and flush it.

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