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Maurice to coach Leafs

Freak By Night

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Those words echo our daily, hourly and by-the-minute hockey talk here...though it was pretty much a given that Maurice would be at the helm next season...

Couldn't agree more with you FBN...the Leafs finally have young blood and about 24 million to play around with as they signed many to one season contracts saying it was "their plan" all along ;) ...time will tell...

Personally I'd like to see Domi & Prima Donna McCabe gone and with a couple of solid additions they will be a contender for sure...the last nine games of the season gave me something to look forward to next season as long as they don't go fuggin' up the recipe... ;)

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maurice's record in the NHL isn't good at all, i wonder why they think he can get the job done all of a sudden...

1996-97 Hartford Whalers NHL Head Coach 82 32 39 11 0 0.457 Out of Playoffs

1997-98 Carolina Hurricanes NHL Head Coach 82 33 41 8 0 0.451 Out of Playoffs

1998-99 Carolina Hurricanes NHL Head Coach 82 34 30 18 0 0.524 Lost in round 1

1999-00 Carolina Hurricanes NHL Head Coach 82 37 35 10 0 0.512 Out of Playoffs

2000-01 Carolina Hurricanes NHL Head Coach 82 38 32 9 3 0.537 Lost in round 1

2001-02 Carolina Hurricanes NHL Head Coach 82 35 26 16 5 0.555 Lost in Finals

2002-03 Carolina Hurricanes NHL Head Coach 82 22 43 11 6 0.372 Out of Playoffs

2003-04 Carolina Hurricanes NHL Head Coach† 30 8 12 8 2 0.433 Out of Playoffs

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Well, if you pulled up stats on coaches in the league you'd get pretty much the same diversity...

It's all in the "match" and Maurice has already been coach to many of the new young Leafs that hopefully will be seeing more ice time...

Oh, and thanks for the tees AD...I'll wear them proudly as I watch the Leafs next season!!! :P;)

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Watching the press conference now and it's official...Maurice is the new head coach...more than happy to see him fill this role as Ferguson basically inherited Quinn; he didn't really pick Quinn and I'm not saying Quinn was a bad coach just that there's more of a new feeling of putting together a team...

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