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Ottawa: Medical Pot Plan Approved


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This is such bullshit. The goverment is making this announcement to buy more time because they still can't coordinate all their departments on this one. It was a friend of mine who launched the lawsuit against the government for their failure to provide mm (medicinal marijuana). He won the case months and months ago and the Feds stalled as long as they could before appealing. The appeal will lose but in the mean-time, all the pot grown in Flin-Flon has gone to waste. The Minstry of Revenue will not allow deductions for mm, and the department of corrections will not allow prisoners to use mm even with a prescription. the government made a law almost three years ago now and has done nothing to implement it, save issue the permits. This is a fien example of liberal goverment dilly-dallying. They want doctors to give out the pot, but where do the doctors get it? How do they pay $5 a gram? Is there going to be government pot dealerships? None of these questions are being addressed in any article I read today. Ehere are the seeds going to come from for that matter? These are decisions that Allan Rock (my personal hero) was trying to get answered before it all went ot hell and he was pushed out (thanks gun-registry). Anyways, thanks for reading my rant.

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"Meanwhile, a packet of 30 seeds from the federal government will cost $20 and dried pot will cost $5 a gram."

"Medical marijuana user Alison Myrden say under the new policy, she will spend $450 per week on pot to help her deal with symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS), while her disability is $500 per month. "

How on earth does this lady think she'll spend $450/week at $5 a gram? Isn't that like 90 grams? 90 one-gram gaggers in a week...that's alot of weed man.

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