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Anyone heard of 'Electron'?


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I have a second set (ya, only a second set) by some band called Electron. They remind me a little bit of Ozric Tentacles, and I think they're British.

I know nothing else about them, other than that I love this one set of some show that I have.

Anyone heard of them? Comments?

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Actually, that sounds like it could be them. I could totally picture those cats ending up creating a sound like Electron.

(I don't know why I always assumed they were British. I guess only because Ozric Tentacles is British, as stupid as that sounds.)

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It's definitely a Biscuits side project. Ã'm pretty sure it's Aaron Magner (the keyboardist) and Sam the old drummer- although they have so many freaking side projects it's hard to keep straight (i.e. Quagmire Swimming Club etc.). Not sure if it's Brothers Past or Assembly of Dust members that fill it out. Definitely the best thing I've heard of theirs is a version of the Beatles 'We Can Work It Oút' which has cringe worthy vocals but goes into a stellar drum and bass jam - one of my favourite Bisco related pieces right up there with Svengali.

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