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My locks have been shorn...


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I blame those bastards who robbed your house ;).

I lost my locks about seven years ago, after our first daughter, then a baby, made a fetish out of wrapping it up in her fist and ripping it out from the roots. Since then I've been lazyman about my hair - i.e., if I find myself thinking about it or dealing with it for longer than a collective minute or two in the course of a day, it's time for the old no. 2.

And now that it's summer, I love it. Enjoy!

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some days i jones to cut off a foot or 2, my wife would shoot me though. hmmm maybe i should keep it hostage or get a ransom or something.

rev, so sorry to hear about your house getting robbed, ive been robbed, it fucking REEKS. i hope you get all your stuff back to you sooner than later brotherman

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